First thing to do was finsih putting my late 40's Elgin together. Check!
Second, pack up parts and bike stuff for Fed-Ex. Check!
Third, Build this cool Multicolored LED Chrome Light. Has all the following colors Plus a revolving two colors at a time, Three Colors revolving and blinking three at a time. TOtal cost for the LED light parts. $2, Time cost- Free Day off for Ice Storm. Result - Pricelessly Cool 8) Now i can look like Big Daddy Roth's "Orbitron" Rad Daddy!
Red and Green
Green and Blue
Red and Blue
Red, Blue and Green
Second, pack up parts and bike stuff for Fed-Ex. Check!
Third, Build this cool Multicolored LED Chrome Light. Has all the following colors Plus a revolving two colors at a time, Three Colors revolving and blinking three at a time. TOtal cost for the LED light parts. $2, Time cost- Free Day off for Ice Storm. Result - Pricelessly Cool 8) Now i can look like Big Daddy Roth's "Orbitron" Rad Daddy!
Red and Green
Green and Blue
Red and Blue
Red, Blue and Green