Buy some bumper & trim spray paint in semi-gloss black. It'll refinish those bars nicely. They're probably powder coated so you need a paint that sticks to plastic to fix em up. That stuff dries almost instantly too. Similar paint products are sold for vinyl & fabric colors.
I always thought the Stiletto was one cool ride. A kid here in town has one and it blew my mind when I saw it on the street the other day. There are a lot of cyclists in town but other than me and my buddies, and the occasional kid on an OCC chopper, the hardware is boring.
To me, Giant nailed it when they created this thing- the lines are great and the bike is equipped just right. Chainguard is kind of a weak spot in the "look" but it works, and something has to cover that loooooooooong chain run.
I put it up there as one of my favorite designs, along with the original Stingrays, the Dyno Moto-Glide, a big Schwinn Cruiser, the Felt cruisers, and the full-size OCC bikes.
Keep em rolling!