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the wife and I jumped in the car and drove out to amish country. Hit a few junk markets, she found a bunch of books and stuff for school (7th grade teacher) and I found 2 CDs real cheap. I did find an old female murray roadbike from the 70s, but the only thing it had going for it was the internally geared 3 speed hub. I didn't get it, didn't have much use for it.

oh, and I saw this really old school kids bike, pretty cool, but more than I was willing to pay, especially since I have not kids of my own yet.
Looks like it was the quiet before the storm.

The gangs all here now. :wink:
Spent some time at the flea market, found another slide rule for my collection and spent a few moments in the shed contemplating my wife's unused electric bike. Thinking about transferring the drivetrain to one of my Chief frames. Hmmmmm, winter project, electrified rat?
raced over to a guys house who left a pot on the stove..took it off of the stove before it burned down the house. Helped an elderly women who was having problems breathing. Set up a water bucket to fall on a unexpecting co-worker :mrgreen: cooked a great luch for the guys . helped a few people get out of thier vehicle because they thought they could beat a red light.....

NOTE rule 1 of the road..."He with the most lug nuts WINS!" :?

finished the day with a work out /played with the kids.

had a little time to myself with my friends here :mrgreen:

not sure what will happin tomorrow but we shall soon see......I know one thing......I better look up! ...there may be a bucket with my name on it :wink:
Ok this is cool. Trying to figure out what to do with today. Maybe get the Durango cleaned and clean house some. Yes I do that, and I cook to.

I hate days when your home and you can't remember all the things that I wanted to do, that I remembered so well when I was working. Don't you hate that.!!!!

OH how about a post for what I need to do for tommorw... It would work for me..Then we can bug each other to see if we are doing it or not..Kinda like accountability..

I been bustin my butt in school.. Im so stressed! I got all a's and a+'s and a flipping nasty a- in my math class.. I MUST GET AN A ON THIS Weeks test.. It figures.. The one thing i have trouble with so far this year is on my "Make it or Break it test" Now im arguing with my dad. Im ready for bed, Maybe tomorrow will be better..
Been Workin' and doing homework, housework, taught my 4 year old to ride with no training wheels today :D
and trying to get the Skazooki finished up so I can wake up the neighbors!


****I keep checkin' in, lotsa cool stuff going on here!!!

THAT BIKE IS BAD TO THE BONE KENNY! DUDE I have always wanted 2 see some1 do that do a newer foreign bike. I wanna see sombody do that to a Suzuki Hiabusa or what ever its called. The realllly fast one.
lurking.... :)

i've been putting together a clunker, with my abandoned RRBBO2 bike :p

got my new shirt, thanks Steve!

drove 482 miles today at work, looked at a buncha wrecked stuff, got home took my dog out, ate supper, cleaned my shotgun while my wife made apple turnovers, ate em, took the dog out, watched Heros, took the dog out, sent the mrs. to school, got on here before i go to sleep to do it a gain tomorow. :wink:
Picked up our 2000 Toyota Sienna from the transmission shop and paid them $2400 for a total tranny rebuild. :x

Came home and sold the Exercycle for $50 to a 6'4" 280lb Dallas Firefighter. :D

Now I'm sleepy, but for some strange reason, still looking at this site. :shock:
dont feel so bad RR the headlights alone in those things are $1000 bucks each (w/DaytimeRunningLamps like those in Canadia).

(P.S. sell more bikes !!!)
4:42 am. Should be in shower getting ready for work. So I have time for devotion and driving....Just a few more mins...
Just at work right now, can't wait for this day to be over. After work I need to go get my girlfriend a cake and present for her birthday. Maybe we will go for a late night bike ride today.