i've always sung the praises of how easy my 20" lowrider is to ride. well i guess i got alittle too compliant and got a harse dose of reality today.lol
we took out a few of the bikes . theres a huge hill just around the corner from my place thats always a part of my daily ride. my budy trev was riding lucky 13 for the first time. since it only has the front coaster brake, i suggested until he got the hang of it to apply the brakes all the way down the hill.
now i was riding with a coke in one hand, and the heel of my foot dragging on the ground, so not to leave trev behind. the bike has brakes but i never use em.
i guess the heel of my shoe got alittle warm and tacky and was dragged right off the peddle.
the seat on my lowrider is much lower than my knee.
this all happened very quickly and with only one hand on the bars i didn't have time to correct the situation.
as my foot slipped off the peddle, i ended up being flat footed on the ground. as soon as my ass/the seat of the bike caught up with my foot, the entire bike was thrown on its side.
i ended up ontop of the bike, the only part of me that touched the ground was my left hand that was holding the coke can.
i bet ya i slid a good 40-50 feet before coming to a complete stop. surprizingly enough myself and the bike were left unharmed. not even alittle road rash to the hands.
turns out i slid down the hill on my peddle (which are already ground up from using them as brakes) my rear axle bolt and the coke can. theres not a mark on the bike or myself for that matter. not a single stratch on the paint.
a guy on his front deck said and i quote "if i had a camera, you'd be on youtube" i kinda wish he did have one.
i guess sometimes it pays off to go low!
the coke can on the otherhand didn't fend so well. kinda looked like swiss cheese.

we took out a few of the bikes . theres a huge hill just around the corner from my place thats always a part of my daily ride. my budy trev was riding lucky 13 for the first time. since it only has the front coaster brake, i suggested until he got the hang of it to apply the brakes all the way down the hill.
now i was riding with a coke in one hand, and the heel of my foot dragging on the ground, so not to leave trev behind. the bike has brakes but i never use em.
i guess the heel of my shoe got alittle warm and tacky and was dragged right off the peddle.
the seat on my lowrider is much lower than my knee.
this all happened very quickly and with only one hand on the bars i didn't have time to correct the situation.
as my foot slipped off the peddle, i ended up being flat footed on the ground. as soon as my ass/the seat of the bike caught up with my foot, the entire bike was thrown on its side.
i ended up ontop of the bike, the only part of me that touched the ground was my left hand that was holding the coke can.
i bet ya i slid a good 40-50 feet before coming to a complete stop. surprizingly enough myself and the bike were left unharmed. not even alittle road rash to the hands.
turns out i slid down the hill on my peddle (which are already ground up from using them as brakes) my rear axle bolt and the coke can. theres not a mark on the bike or myself for that matter. not a single stratch on the paint.
a guy on his front deck said and i quote "if i had a camera, you'd be on youtube" i kinda wish he did have one.
i guess sometimes it pays off to go low!
the coke can on the otherhand didn't fend so well. kinda looked like swiss cheese.