Wife saw this yesterday in Target. Crazy paint. And check out the kick stand. It's a center stand that folds to one side like a regular kickstand.

Dr. Tankenstein said:WOW! That's a lot to take in at one time.... :roll: Looks like Laura Ashley and Martha Stewart had an acid trip all over it. :mrgreen:
I think that kickstand is made by Pletscher (or they make one that's very similar).
Dr. T
aka_locojoe said:The one last year was reselling for ridiculous amounts on e-bay if I recall correctly. Missoni I think was the designer.
Walker said:Looks like the kickstand is wearing disco Barbie's boots.
not that I know anything about that
honestherman said:I went into Target last night. I was curious if they had one there, But no luck. I looked at Prices of bikes at Target. Walmart has them beat big time on any bike they have. No Sale for Christmas that I saw.