will the anything goes claas be around next year?

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Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
sacramento, ca
I personally hope so. It's just fun to watch even if it isn't watched by as many as the traditional class. Both were equally amazing to watch and the whole time I'm thinking "darn I suck"
karfer67 said:
I personally hope so. It's just fun to watch even if it isn't watched by as many as the traditional class. Both were equally amazing to watch and the whole time I'm thinking "darn I suck"

I really enjoyed watching the A.G. Class too. I am sure it will stay. If you actually thought that you suck, then you are way overdue to return from your sabbatical. I want to see another karfer build!!!
Hope to see the "anything goes" catagory next year also! Not sure which class I will be in next year but I enjoy watching both!
I found the AG category inspiring. It makes me wanna empty my credit card at Harbor Freight for pipe benders and welders and stuff, and start learning how to use 'em.
The fact that "BIG JIM" was a result of that category is enough for me to keep it around. :mrgreen:
Rat Rod said:
The fact that "BIG JIM" was a result of that category is enough for me to keep it around. :mrgreen:

+1 Awesome build! Just hope he don't get hurt on it! :lol: :lol:
Glen said:
Rat Rod said:
The fact that "BIG JIM" was a result of that category is enough for me to keep it around. :mrgreen:

Yeah... and knowing Luke, he'll surely try to out-do himself :shock:
I can guarantee that! 8) His idea is to NEVER make the same bike twice, and always push the boundaries...

Rat Rod said:
The fact that "BIG JIM" was a result of that category is enough for me to keep it around. :mrgreen:
I know he appreciates this comment from you Rat Rod. Probably stumped on how to reply/comment :wink:
Yeah!!! As I also have come up with 2 ideas for the next build-off...
I enjoyed watching both builds. :D
Besides Big Jim has set the standard...Want to see want Luke can come up with next year. :wink:
Yeah!!! As I also have come up with 2 ideas for the next build-off...
I enjoyed watching both builds. :D
Besides Big Jim has set the standard...Want to see want Luke can come up with next year. :wink:
If it is around next year maybe we can have it also be a class where unfinished build off bikes from the previous year are able to enter in order to finish thier bike and be able to compete
Well here is a little teaser since its anything goes why can't a whole club pitch in on one bike? Thats our plan. And thank you kingfish it has been awhile
karfer67 said:
Well here is a little teaser since its anything goes why can't a whole club pitch in on one bike? Thats our plan. And thank you kingfish it has been awhile

Just my opinion and nothing more, but I think that goes against the spirit of the competition. Even though it's A.G. there is a subset of rules and those appear to be written for a singular builder. Especially Rule #4 - If you are building a custom frame, frame must be built by the forum member (this includes welding and fabrication).
Who knows, I may be way off.
I thought it woukd be cool to do a build (nonbuildoff related) where forum members participated. Everything would be chosen and voted on, donated by members and sent to one builder to paint and assemble. Then make it the prize in a future build off or auctioned for charity.
I like the added class. More :) participation, more 8) cool bike pics, more :? :idea: :shock: 8) great ideas to steal. :mrgreen: