Winter Hotrod storage

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Oct 17, 2006
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Pretty funny but hey it works when you don't have a garage. hahha
Oh and if anyone wnats a cool roadster let me know I will take $4500 for it. Troy



I could sure use a shed like that to just store bikes. I can't get my truck in the garage anymore and I really hate scraping the windshield in the winter.

For you warm/mild climate people... "scraping the windshield" is a morning ritual that is done to remove ice so you can see during your drive to work :D
Looks like a garage to me;

ga·rage (gə-räzh', -räj') pronunciation
1. A building or indoor space in which to park or keep a motor vehicle.
2. A commercial establishment where cars are repaired, serviced, or parked.
tr.v., -raged, -rag·ing, -rag·es.

Cool Rod as well :mrgreen:

Yeah, windshield scraping sucks...

It is crazy how many of us store our second most valuable assets outside in the weather and keep all our junk in the garage... oh well.

aka_locojoe said:
For you warm/mild climate people... "scraping the windshield" is a morning ritual that is done to remove ice so you can see during your drive to work :D

My wife has the same problem. I have the garage full up. The best thing about commuting by bike- never have to scrap the windshield and it only take a minute to warm up the engine. :p :p
dude, i think theres dog poo in your l rear bias-ply... :D
Seriously, i like your bucket, always have. I cant remember, is it 'glass or steel?
tomb said:
dude, i think theres dog poo in your r rear bias-ply... :D
Seriously, i like your bucket, always have. I cant remember, is it 'glass or steel?

Yeah that is some doo on my tires lol. The body is glass as well.
Sounds like I do have a garage lol.
A 460??? :shock: You the man! That little beast can't weigh more than 1800 pounds. Needs fatter rubber with that torque. Super nice.