Zirt looking thing on hub.

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Sep 14, 2007
Reaction score
Dallas Area
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I have what looks like a zirt on a hub. But it's not an actual zirt. It's a keendal I think. How is one supposed to get lubrication in there?
It has this cap that comes off and it reveals a roundish looking thing...
I think it's still used to apply a heavy weight oil even though it looks like a grease zirt. I think that little ball will just press down to get the oil in.
No, Ill get some soon. I tried to get into the hub the other day and could'nt. Then I went to put in some grease and it was'nt a usual ( zirt, zirqe, grease thingy) so I wasnt sure what to do. I do have to get some lube in there. The bike sat for years out in a ladys garden...
jtdaddy said:
Any idea how I get oil in it? I thought of getting a syringe from work.

A while back I added oil to one that I think is like the one you are describing but I can't remember for sure how I did it. Don't recall if I used something to push the ball down as added the oil. I just used 3 in 1 oil.

You need a small tipped oil can. The ball in the middle of the fitting is spring loaded and needs to be pushed down a little to get oil into the hub but...if it sat for a long time, I would take it completely apart and clean-regrease everything.