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Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
Zambales, Philippines
I decided to use my earth cruiser for the build off, with an Earth Mover theme.


I have most of the parts and this shouldn't be too complicated.


I'm trying to swing a deal to get some good tires, Fat Franks or Big Apples, maybe 3" wide tires, something along that line.

DSCI0094 - Copy.JPG

I've got 68 spoke wheels to use. I'll post a pic when they get painted.


I just need to get or make a bucket like a front loader. Pretty simple.
Way to get in on the fun big boss . Let's get that earth moving [emoji1303]

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I've decided on the aspects of the build. I found the color paint in rustoleum, almost Cat yellow, but with a hint of orange. Melon yellow.

I'm going to have a large bucket up front, like a front loader, that will attach to the frame, not the forks. Like a Cycle Truck. That will make it stable when carrying big loads of groceries or refreshment.
A stand like a Cycle Truck on the front will be fabbed up somehow.
The whole bike will be black and yellow. Wheels, frame, fork, and bucket yellow, chain wheel, handlebars, stems black.
Tires will be 26 x 2.4 or a little wider, trying to get a deal on Big Apples right now.
That's it, it shouldn't be too hard to get done.
I can't picture it ...yet. Be checking!
I can't picture it ...yet. Be checking!
I'm going to make the mount for the bucket look like the real thing by having the support arms originate from the top bar area of the frame, then dip down under the handlebar area and then face upward as they attach to the bottom of the bucket. Something along these lines:
So how many "fixie" riders will you be able to fit (scoop up) at one time?
It'll have to be stationary, no raising or lowering of the bucket. Not for their safety, but mine. Same with the drop stand up front, I'll be extra cautious about making sure it can't drop and flip me over.
The bucket will be there just to scare them.

Things can get out of hand real quick:
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These tires are big and will suit this build well. I put them on the rims I'll paint later and did a quick mock up with the frame. Plenty of clearance all around. I took a ride on them on my Dyno, they aren't as heavy as I thought and give a nice smooth ride.




Awesome build so far Wildcat !!