RRBBO13 EggBeater - roaming the roads and riding the subways of Berlin!

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Professional Amateur Tinkerer
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Jul 10, 2015
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Was out at a waterfront playground with my two boys today. An while watching them play at the water I started sketching down some ideas spinnin in my head and got a little "eggcyled".
I don't know if I can pull this off in time or even at all. This build will involve a kids trailer, a 60ties pram/stroller and a bike frame (didn't decide yet which one). As I can't weld, all will be done with bolts and screws....

But see for yourself now:
Nice place to get inspired:


Sketching phase one:


Sketching phase two:


This will give me the body and front chassis:

Gesendet von meinem K00E mit Tapatalk
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Sounds like you've got the bug, or is that 'buggy'...? :bigsmile:

Hope your Eggcycle is all that it's cracked up to be! RaT oN~!
That looks super cool.
So it's gonna be a side car on the front?
Or is it more like a cargo trike with the egg in front of the bike? That would be even cooler!
There will be almost no visible progress for the next two weeks. Live is busy, even when you're unemployed (sometimes even more then). But my sketchbook travels in my go bag all the time and the "thinkin-cap" is on...
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@Jake Sensi is gonna love this Egghead Junior planning you are doing.

@Jake Sensi is out of stealth mode
Now it's time for you to come out of stealth mode and start doing some Egghead Jr speedy work!!
This will be eggscellent and great for eggercise,
I will be eggcited watching this build.

'A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.'
Sorry to keep you waiting, but live happened and the eggciting plans got scrambled. I'm eggstremly busy 'cause I need to set up the henhouse in Berlin as of mid August. So instead of building, it was job- and flathunting the last few weeks and months. And at the moment I'm back in school to get my swiss teachers license accepted here in germany (german burocraty is a nightmare). Exams are due end of next week, after that packing up shop and flat, then the big move from south germany to the capital.
So, more than enough eggcitement besides bikebuilding. But I'm still eggstremly curious how the builds I'm following are ending up. As always there is some very interesting stuff going on and I try to follow...
So get crackin'!

Gesendet von meinem K00E mit Tapatalk
Your life has been like from the fire into the frying pan, the way it sounds! And, you put it so well into 'egg' puns! :21:

Sometimes life is like running around like a chicken with it's head cut off; and in this case, the 'chicken' does come before the 'egg'.
Good luck breaking out of your shell on the exams


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