Can this be fixed?

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Rhapsodic Laviathan
Jan 15, 2012
Reaction score
Louisville KY
Rating - 0%
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I just picked up a Schwinn Collegiate with a Sturmey Archer 3 speed, it seems as though second gear is gone, I wanted to put this wheel on my rat rod project. Is there a way it can be fixed, or should I just ditch the bike?
Might just be a shifter adjustment. Pretty simple inards though if you do need to replace something. Those hubs are pretty hard to open if they've been sealed up for 50 years though and need the guts swapped out.
IT's most likely fixable, but if you're a novice with Sturmeys, you might find it easier to replace it with a working unit and take your time trying to rebuild the current one....
Thanks guys, it actually just got stolen. By the time I got my road bike out to chase him down, i lost him. Thanks anyways.
Your bike was stolen in broad daylight with you standing there? Unreal. Remind me not to move to Louisville anytime soon.:eek: Gary
Your bike was stolen in broad daylight with you standing there? Unreal. Remind me not to move to Louisville anytime soon.:eek: Gary
No, it was about ten at night, we were in the living room, I heard a noise and looked out the window, it was him on the sidewalk picking the bike up(he dropped it like an idiot) and riding off. By the time I got to the door he was off. I grabbed mine and lost him in traffic.
Good thing you didn't catch him! I jumped on a guy stealing a bike, it hurt him like heck!
People around my hood are too scared to steal from me. I don't come out with knives or a gun I come out wielding something like this and screaming like a banshee. Barbarian style. I also chased one down with a running chainsaw once. He dropped the bike and hauled butt.
I used to have a bat, that had bike pegs duct taped to it.
Im glad I live on a cul-de-sac. We all watch out for any strangers and nothing ever gets stolen. I took off all day a few years ago and left my garage door wide open. Came home and was wondering what had happened. Then it hit me. Nothing was missing. My Wife laughed her ... off.
People around my hood are too scared to steal from me. I don't come out with knives or a gun I come out wielding something like this and screaming like a banshee. Barbarian style. I also chased one down with a running chainsaw once. He dropped the bike and hauled butt.
that's awesome!!!
i am going to make me one of those
i don't have much trouble with theft in my neighborhood i have alot of nosey neighbors.
but,if they do i got a few surprises for them
where i keep my bikes in order for them to even get to it they wold need to go around to my gate near my front door
by that time my akita will be all over them and then i will exercise my second ammendment right to bear arms and my right to protect me and my property and make the theif soil their jockeys
that's if they even get to my bikes.
then after they soil said jockeys they can have the bike if they can make out of my yard alive lol
as far as the original question on the gears i do think if you adjust the gear cable it might remedy the problem
I've never had one stolen from home, had a few attempts. One I shot about 9 arrows through my shed from my compound bow and scared him off, another I chased down the road with a running chainsaw till he dropped the bike, and the other one I caught and yelled and the brave little bugger walked right up to my bedroom window! I put a .380 pistol in his face and told him he better get off my property. Haven't had a problem since but wouldn't surprise me if I did. It might surprise them when an axe wielding psyco starts running after them.:comando:

I also had one bike stolen from the library and caught the kid riding it right past me and yelled and he dropped it and ran. I grabbed the bike and tailed him home where I found his dad outside working on a truck and told his dad what had happened. His dad said it wasn't the first time and he wore his butt out with a leather belt right in the front yard. Almost felt sorry for the little punk.
caught a guy stealing my bike when I was a kid ... followed him on my buddies bike and retrieved bike ...after throwing brick through picture window ...karma can be a ..... sometimes

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