OK, count me in on this build!
My kids have many bikes to ride, and they are growing fast, and I have a lot of small bike parts to use up, so I am building a bike for my Niece. If it turns out road )& kid worthy/safe) this will be her first bike! She's in to planets and stuff right now, so the plan is to mix a little space/old rocket theme/with evil kneivel & and a 30's hot-rod feel I guess...
Starting with this old kids convertible(?) Roadmaster, and plan to use misc. parts off other bikes.
Frame has top bar that moves down to make it a girls bike. (called a convertible right?)
Has 16" rims I got off another bike.
The plan is to do a mostly flat white, or satin white bike with black & purple accents, maybe a tiny bit of pink, but not much.
Basic Frame
Parts so Far:
Quick Dry Run
I am looking for a couple things if you can help, please IM me:
1.) A set of tiny hand grips for these little tricycle bars: white or black, but maybe purple...
2.) Pedals! Their are no threads in the cranks, so I guess I need bolt-on pedals? Can you still get these or should I make some?
3.) Maybe softer, small mini-banana seat or ? just not BMX style seat. White or Black.
>> I like what everyone else is doing in this build-off, this is a fun one for sure! Good luck. Cheers, T.
My kids have many bikes to ride, and they are growing fast, and I have a lot of small bike parts to use up, so I am building a bike for my Niece. If it turns out road )& kid worthy/safe) this will be her first bike! She's in to planets and stuff right now, so the plan is to mix a little space/old rocket theme/with evil kneivel & and a 30's hot-rod feel I guess...
Starting with this old kids convertible(?) Roadmaster, and plan to use misc. parts off other bikes.
Frame has top bar that moves down to make it a girls bike. (called a convertible right?)
Has 16" rims I got off another bike.
The plan is to do a mostly flat white, or satin white bike with black & purple accents, maybe a tiny bit of pink, but not much.
Basic Frame
Parts so Far:
Quick Dry Run
I am looking for a couple things if you can help, please IM me:
1.) A set of tiny hand grips for these little tricycle bars: white or black, but maybe purple...
2.) Pedals! Their are no threads in the cranks, so I guess I need bolt-on pedals? Can you still get these or should I make some?
3.) Maybe softer, small mini-banana seat or ? just not BMX style seat. White or Black.
>> I like what everyone else is doing in this build-off, this is a fun one for sure! Good luck. Cheers, T.