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Feb 14, 2008
Reaction score
ok Steve, you said it,Klunker b/o. anybody up to it? i only need one klunker so i'll have to tear mine down an do some different things to it, but i am ready to go with it. just for fun an let everybody vote, 1 vote only . this is Klunker's only. no frame mods. mild to wild, lets see what ya all got. keep it simple an no griping. ok Steve? call the start date an ending date.

Outlaw 8)
Re: Klunker b/o

!!!!!NOOB ALERT!!!!!

ok so im a noob and need a little explainin of what exactly a klunker is??? please help

Easy E
Re: Klunker b/o

ok, go to other bikes an look for klunkers an start readin. then get a bike an get ready to build,ok?

Outlaw :shock:
Re: Klunker b/o

A Klunker is the name given to the original mountain bikes that were created in Marin County, CA back in the 70s.

Guy's like Joe Breeze, Gary Fisher, Alan Bonds, Charlie Kelly, Tom Ritchey are some of the pioneers of the sport and they created the Klunker.

You can watch the trailer for the documentary called "KLUNKERZ" here:


You can check out some of Alan Bonds bikes here:



Re: Klunker b/o

I definably want to build a klunker.. My biggest problem is I don't have near enough time to build all the things I want :( Maybe a build off would give me the motivation?
Re: Klunker b/o

well, we didn't get a yea or a nay yet, Steve ya still thinkin. anybody else want a fun buildoff please post here. need to get a head count. thanks

Outlaw 8)
Re: Klunker b/o

since Steve brought this up, i am trying to get him to respond to a start and end date. just want to see if enough of us want to do this are not, so thats why i need ya all to post so we can get a date an go ahead from Steve. the pressure is on Steve,lol.

Outlaw 8)
Re: Klunker b/o

I think we could do a Klunker inspired mini build off.

This keeps everyone from thinking they have to build a spot on replica of one of Alan's bikes above.

It would totally be for fun...although I may have a prize for best Klunker compliments of Billy Savage. :wink:
Re: Klunker b/o

WHERE did my post go? Every time I make a long indepth post it just vanishes. Well to make it short I'm in.
Re: Klunker b/o

Count me in. There's a few ideas I've been throwing around the past couple days that I want to try.
Re: Klunker b/o

I'M IN, It will be my first buildoff, I think I'm ready :wink:
Re: Klunker b/o

Rodland said:
WHERE did my post go? Every time I make a long indepth post it just vanishes. Well to make it short I'm in.

Are you hitting "Submit" or are you hitting "Save" when you finish the post?
Re: Klunker b/o

That has happened to me twice a while back, both times it was a long winded post and when I submitted it it never appeared, I just resubmitted a shorter version and it worked. Could it have to do with the size of the post?
Re: Klunker b/o

Oh yeah...the long winded filter is on. :lol:

Just kidding...not sure why it would be doing that...never had that happen before.
Re: Klunker b/o

Rat Rod said:
Oh yeah...the long winded filter is on. :lol:

Just kidding...not sure why it would be doing that...never had that happen before.

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Quisque rutrum est ut lacus. Curabitur vel nibh. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla facilisi. Nullam ante. Nam tortor. Vestibulum interdum tristique felis. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque porta facilisis tortor. Duis risus pede, vulputate ut, vestibulum id, vehicula in, pede.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec ipsum ante, varius quis, blandit rhoncus, fringilla eu, felis. Cras sed velit. Donec vitae tortor. Phasellus fermentum. Donec nec metus. Curabitur id pede ac nisl varius consequat. Donec leo tellus, dignissim ac, pretium quis, porttitor in, orci. Sed aliquet mi non augue. Praesent eget enim eu lorem pretium tempus. In dictum, lorem sit amet laoreet condimentum, nisi lacus venenatis dui, in rhoncus enim urna in arcu. Nullam sed quam. Sed sem. Sed fermentum, elit a eleifend pretium, erat eros accumsan quam, varius rutrum tellus augue sit amet nibh. Ut et lectus rutrum ipsum ornare consectetuer. Etiam quam dui, accumsan ut, cursus vel, volutpat vel, urna. Nullam ac felis.

Just checking :mrgreen: