Kona - Sold

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The 3 main guys will be in their same positions... for now. I'm not going to speculate, I'm betting that their current model is pretty successful, hopefully no need to tinker for now.
The company I worked for when I moved to Longmont, CO had recently been bought out by corporate ameriduh and the two who started it were still there (smart and really genuine people). That didn't last long and after they left it got even worse. According to co-workers who had been there before the takeover, the treatment of employees was great and had been steadily going downhill after the takeover. This is a common theme when corporate tenets poison a good thing. I'm not holding my breath.
The guys have been doing it for thirty years, maybe this is a retirement strategy. I've heard the company was suffering financially, needed a cash infusion to be able to keep up.
I've heard the company was suffering financially, needed a cash infusion to be able to keep up.
There are other ways to deal with that beyond selling out to corporate dingbats.

I imagine this as one example of their future. Let's say there is someone who is in a position they have been in for many years, has been dealing hard and are satisfied with their job, pleased with how they kill the game at it and have no desire for doing anything else. The coprorate tools then come in and some automaton tells this individual that they must provide job "goals" for their next year. So the employee simply says that their goal is to keep doing as they have been for years and just deal in what they do with no desire for advancement or otherwise. The corporate automaton will then advise this person that they "must" have goals and if not, "goals" will be set for them and their retention at the job they have been dealing successfully in for years is dependent on meeting those "goals". With all of the needless and ridiculous tenets that corporations are known to employ, this is most likely just the tip of the iceberg that can melt Kona down into historical oblivion.