My Oregon Neighborhood (9/7/20 update)

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Epic Level Bike Hoarder! 🏆
Pro Member
Jul 2, 2015
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Mid-Willamette Valley, Oregon
Rating - 100%
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I aired out some dirty small town Oregon laundry in the 'Plains of Armageddon' and 'Plains of Armageddon II' threads. Now for some of the more palatable pics of my neighborhood :thumbsup:. No bicycle, just bipedal. Standard disclaimer, pics are from a broke cell camera... poor quality.

Went for a little trip up into the Cascades. Specifically, the Salt Creek Falls area... we've been up here in the winter, and it was beautiful, so we thought we should check it out in the summer as well...

Salt Creek Falls...I believe the second tallest in Oregon?





Couldn't make it to the bottom as the last hundred yards of trail was destroyed (slid off the cliff), this is as low as we got...


Then we took the Diamond Creek Falls was quite the work out...

First peek of Diamond Creek Falls...



Diamond Creek Falls...







...and the trip back...






Nothing particularly great about this little lake, except the name...'Too Many Bears Lake' :bigsmile:.

No bear sign found, however :confused:.
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My aunt gave me a picture book titled Oregon when I was a child. Thought it was one of the most beautiful places in the world. It sort of reminds me of Maine, another location I'm fond of.
Another bipedal trip...this time up to the west side of Mt. Hood to see Ramona Falls. Hot day for being on the mountain, it was over 90°. Big forest fire on the east side of the mountain, but wind was blowing towards it.

I didn't actually get any water in the pic, but this is the Sandy river. There is no bridge here, and in the spring months the crossing can be was low enough that we were able to cross on down tree trunks without getting wet at all :thumbsup:.

Mt. Hood



So, we planned on doing a big loop, so the first part of the hike would be on The Pacific Coast Trail. This runs along the Sandy river and is exposed to full sun most of the day...combined with the sandy soil (crushed volcanic rocks) and the dry weather we've had the last few weeks, you could almost call this semi-kinda-but not really-arid.

Ramona Falls. This is another fan-type falls like Diamond Creek Falls last week. A big difference is this is in a bit of a hollow...there is essentially a large natural amphitheater, with the falls being the main stage.







From here, we start our return trip on the Ramona Falls trail. It follows a draw by a creek bordered by a sheer granite cliff to the right. So, we get to experience a complete different ecosystem on the way back...mossy, green and verdant. This is the typical Cascades temperate rain fave.



...a peek at the granite cliffs...



Full view of the cliffs...huge rocks are all over this area...some crashing down from cliffs like this...but many remnants of glacial movements and big volcanic booms.

...and back to the start of the loop.
IMG_20200906_170318659.jpg far we've seen two fan-type waterfalls, and a combo horsetail/plunge (Salt Creek Falls). We've picked out next weeks destination. It will be a plunge fall into a granite bowl.
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You'll note that the first sign has the Timberline Trail that leads to Timberline Lodge (much bigger hike than I'm capable of!). The claim to fame of Timberline Lodge is that it was used in the exterior shooting of The Overlook Lodge in The Shining movie in the '70s :wondering: :thumbsup:.
I can smell the fresh air from those photos. Wanna lay down on that moss and sleep till 2021.

Some RustyGold Wiki;)
Another bipedal trip...this time up to the west side of Mt. Hood to see Ramona Falls. Hot day for being on the mountain, it was over 90°. Big forest fire on the east side of the mountain, but wind was blowing towards it.

I didn't actually get any water in the pic, but this is the Sandy river. There is no bridge here, and in the spring months the crossing can be was low enough that we were able to cross on down tree trunks without getting wet at all :thumbsup:.
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Mt. Hood
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So, we planned on doing a big loop, so the first part of the hike would be on The Pacific Coast Trail. This runs along the Sandy river and is exposed to full sun most of the day...combined with the sandy soil (crushed volcanic rocks) and the dry weather we've had the last few weeks, you could almost call this semi-kinda-but not really-arid.
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Ramona Falls. This is another fan-type falls like Diamond Creek Falls last week. A big difference is this is in a bit of a hollow...there is essentially a large natural amphitheater, with the falls being the main stage.
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From here, we start our return trip on the Ramona Falls trail. It follows a draw by a creek bordered by a sheer granite cliff to the right. So, we get to experience a complete different ecosystem on the way back...mossy, green and verdant. This is the typical Cascades temperate rain fave.
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...a peek at the granite cliffs...
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Full view of the cliffs...huge rocks are all over this area...some crashing down from cliffs like this...but many remnants of glacial movements and big volcanic booms.
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...and back to the start of the loop.
View attachment 137978 far we've seen two fan-type waterfalls, and a combo horsetail/plunge (Salt Creek Falls). We've picked out next weeks destination. It will be a plunge fall into a granite bowl.

Man I gotta get back out there. I'd like to log some PCT miles
Oh... almost forgot the picture that got away. There is a long windy, but paved (heavily potholed and crumbling), forest service road that leads to the trailhead. Along this road are a bunch of primitive camp spots, as well as a couple slightly more developed camp grounds. At one of the few primitive campsites that actually had a place to park a couple rigs, we had noticed a couple pickups with tarped trailers that looked a little odd. Well, on the way back down we found out what was under the tarps. There were 6-8 people lined up as if on a starting line at the edge of the road on minibikes and go carts. The vehicles and people were all done up in Mario Kart costumes...we saw Mario and Luigi and Yoshi, as well as a bearded princess peach among others.

I truly wish I would have gotten a pic but we were past it before I completely registered what I saw, and it's all narrow single lane. Crazy.
For me? Sure, I've lived in many states and a few other countries, sequestered by myself out in the woods to metropolitan area of ~30million plus. This is where I have always returned to.

For other people looking to relocate...not really. Oregon suffers from leadership that follows the lead of California... without industry to supply revenue to support it. So, in general terms, this state is hostile to business, high in property and income tax (and the third leg, sales tax, is constantly being pushed at us for decades...and gets closer every attempt), school performance is poor and consistently deteriorating, we are a mecca for the homeless with nothing being done about it, etc etc.

If I didn't have the ties and history, I would probably move to Montana or Alaska.
For me? Sure, I've lived in many states and a few other countries, sequestered by myself out in the woods to metropolitan area of ~30million plus. This is where I have always returned to.

For other people looking to relocate...not really. Oregon suffers from leadership that follows the lead of California... without industry to supply revenue to support it. So, in general terms, this state is hostile to business, high in property and income tax (and the third leg, sales tax, is constantly being pushed at us for decades...and gets closer every attempt), school performance is poor and consistently deteriorating, we are a mecca for the homeless with nothing being done about it, etc etc.

If I didn't have the ties and history, I would probably move to Montana or Alaska.
Hmm, that's not an awesome picture.

With all this remote working from covid, we've thought about buying a few acres somewhere like Oregon to live on. If we can get a fast internet connection hooked up it could be anywhere, theoretically.
High property values and I only had the option to get off crappy DSL a month ago (3Mbps...when I was lucky). I live within 6 miles of a 17k and a 10k population towns and no cable, fiber, etc possible. I'm currently on a line of sight WiFi setup that was miraculously possible only because I talked my neighbor into getting it so I could bounce the signal off her equipment. Now I'm in the 10-12Mbps zone.
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We bought our place 20yrs ago for 192k, now worth near 400k...for a 40+ year old house under 2000sqft with eight+ acres. Small crap houses in the small towns next to us are ~200k, my buddy in Salem has a 1350sqft house on a cul-de-sac at the edge of Salem, about same age... probably in the high 300k in value, but he pays more than twice as much as me in property taxes.

To put it in perspective, our first house was in the mid '90s...$33k :grin:. The above mentioned government is making it ultimately harder to build new stuff, which drives property values even higher. In Bend, which has become a mecca for Californians in the Oregon desert, it costs an average of $80k in fees to build before the first shovel is stuck in the ground. The government supposedly believes that the homeless crisis is due to a housing they are outlawing building single family dwellings... everything new will need to be duplex, triplex or quadplex depending on your zoning. At the same time as this, landlords are being stripped of the ability to do background or credit checks, can be prosecuted if they don't accept the first applicant, rent controls dictated by government. It's a train wreck of epic proportions...the above is kind of a hodge podge of Oregon and Washington practices, but it doesn't matter who comes up with the dumbest idea, the other state will grab it and run with it. general...I love my state! :rockout:
No scenic pics of some great landscape this week. We are in between some of the fires that you may be seeing on the news.


We are in between the Holiday and Beechie/Lionshead fires. We live just about where the cross is on the map.


At the closest, we were about 20miles from the Beechie/Lionshead fire, and 17miles from the Holiday fire. The fires have been stalled for a few days, the timing was much appreciated as it was on the cusp of entering Springfield, where my wife's neice's family lives. It got within 10miles of there place and was coming straight at them at ~20miles/day. They are the blue dot.


One of my son-in-laws dad was in a level 3 evacuation zone, but refused to leave. The Sheriffs were visiting him often and told him he was 3miles away from the fire...he said he wasn't leaving until he saw flames. Well, he is on a hillside, he wouldn't have seen the flames until the crested, about a mile away or less. Also known as...too late...but, the crazy winds petered out just in time. So, in lieu of pics of my beautiful Oregon Neighborhood... I'll share images from the text thread shared by all the immediate family members in the area.

The next few is everyone sending their first smokey pics. This was the day after the Ramona Falls pics a couple posts up.

Near our house...

A bit later in Springfield...the neice was saying the sun was freaky red...

...I responded back...what sun?...from our house...

That evening pics of ash build up on cars were exchanged...

The next sun for the next several days (I've only seen the sun once in the last ten days)...

Albany...the furthest family members from the fires, about 20miles west of my place...

Sister-in-law, also in Albany...

...that was pre-dawn, two hours later (~8am), same place...the world turned orange for us...

...more Albany...

My truck in the morning...

This next series of pics were taken by my daughter (professional-ish photographer) on her way to check out the Ranch (where my other son-in-law's dad was staying after it was evac'd). She says no editing, but she knows what all those weird buttons and options are on the camera. So, this isn't what anything actually looked like...but, they are neat pics regardless.





The Ranch...

A day or two later on the other side of Eugene from Springfield...this fire cropped up. Suspected arson at the time...but haven't heard further info. They squashed this one quick, for a change. If it would have gotten out of would have threatened the safe ways out of the Eugene-Springfield area...

Most of what follows this is sharing of evac information, delivering donations to evac centers and fire departments, discussing the latest small fires that were popping up everywhere (which has caused widespread arson paranoia...police say that that hasn't been the case), etc. So, no day by day anymore, settled down to a routine of sorts.

Neice sent this out when it looked like Springfield looked likely to be overwhelmed within the next 24hrs tops...

...then it stalled.


Neice's kids decorated the fence at one of the evac locations...near a fire department.


Sister-in-law headed south to help out a friend's daughter...near Roseburg, 100+ miles south, they have a fire of their own to deal with.


Then a couple days ago, Albany, Salem, and our area had a couple hours of blue sky! I was at work in Corvallis, which didn't clear up, so I haven't seen a blue sky in 10days?
The good thing about this year being so bad is that it only seems logical to be optimistic about 2021. It can't be as bad.


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