Photo Theft?

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I took the 3rd pic down in this thread post (the link below) in the mid 80's. I guess I don't mind the use since I originally posted it on mtbr w/just my user name (and couldn't do anything about it if I did mind).

What did bug me was a follow up post where another mtbr member quoted the pic, and suggested JT's facial expression resembled a certain sex act. The mods were sensible enough to nuke that upon my request. I guess you never know what unthinking folks will do with your photos...
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I took the 3rd pic down in this thread post (the link below) in the mid 80's. I guess I don't mind the use since I originally posted it on mtbr w/just my user name (and couldn't do anything about it if I did mind).

What did bug me was a follow up post where another mtbr member quoted the pic, and suggested JT's facial expression resembled a certain sex act. The mods were sensible enough to nuke that upon my request. I guess you never know what unthinking folks will do with your photos...

That's a good pic.... good post, too.
If I see a photo on FB or other social media where a photo is innocently being posted with out credit and I know who the photographer or the bike owner is, I'll comment and give credit. If the photo is used maliciously or for profit I would notify the photographer or bike builder.
It bothers me to see my photos show up places other than where I post them without credit or permission. I try and watermark all my photos but sometimes the watermark is cropped out. I've found my photos on craigslist & amazon to sell bikes and on blogs and in a music video all without permission.
If I see a photo on FB or other social media where a photo is innocently being posted with out credit and I know who the photographer or the bike owner is, I'll comment and give credit. If the photo is used maliciously or for profit I would notify the photographer or bike builder.
It bothers me to see my photos show up places other than where I post them without credit or permission. I try and watermark all my photos but sometimes the watermark is cropped out. I've found my photos on craigslist & amazon to sell bikes and on blogs and in a music video all without permission.

A Music Video?!
I think Facebook's Share option has everybody thinking that all photos/videos are fair game for anyone's use. Yes I realize that it tags the name of the person who originally posted the photo. But, did the poster own the photo?? Probably not always.
Yes a singer made a music video for a song of there's about bicycles and included a photo of one of mine.
Here's a good example of one I just come across today. This website posted a feature on Christmas bikes and used my photo without permission or giving credit. They are making money off it since their site sells advertising. This happens pretty frequently to me. Here's a screen shot..

I'm pretty sure that, from a legal standpoint, any picture that's posted elsewhere online is fair game unless you have it copywritten. That being said, if you're using others' photos, it can sometimes be hard to tell if the image has been copywritten. OTOH, if you're putting you're own unprotected images online and you *know* you never got'm copywritten, maybe you'll find it more effective to seek some legal protection, rather than complaining about it here.

Here's some relevant (if not exactly interesting) information on the subject:
From another angle, while I do post pictures of my stuff, and live with the knowledge that they may be stolen or misused, these situations are part of why I don't post other's photos on my Instagram or FB page. I see the same cool photos being rotated on many of the bike-related pages that I follow, but often there is no credit, and to be frank, it can be confusing as to which ones are that persons builds, and which aren't. I see other pages getting way more hits posting old vintage ads, or cool builds from around the world, but I just feel it's safer to post only my own stuff.
I saw some of my builds on that link.
Personally, I don't get to bent out of shape anymore, as long as they don't try to take credit for my work. If they do, theres a lot of people online that that know my stuff(and when it was made). Also helps to have 2 lawyers in the family if need arises. I use pictures of Larry Watsons stuff all the time but don't claim it as mine(or copy it). Just posting since I admired his work.
If I post something I give credit where it's due. As long as I know who did it. If not, they can speak up and say it's theirs. I won't claim to own/or have done it, if I didn't.
I'm pretty sure that, from a legal standpoint, any picture that's posted elsewhere online is fair game unless you have it copywritten. That being said, if you're using others' photos, it can sometimes be hard to tell if the image has been copywritten. OTOH, if you're putting you're own unprotected images online and you *know* you never got'm copywritten, maybe you'll find it more effective to seek some legal protection, rather than complaining about it here.

Here's some relevant (if not exactly interesting) information on the subject:

As soon as you create the photo it is automatically your copyrighted work, whether you attach the © symbol, or the word "copyright" to the image or not. Yes, it can be registered as copyrighted, but that is not free. Registering the copyright only helps the owner if legal remedy is sought. It is up to the owner to enforce protection and ownership of his/her copyright, either legally or otherwise. Unless the photo is a prize winner, it's just not worth it to pay to seek protection.

For the purpose of this discussion and what goes on online with people's bicycle snapshots we are splitting a lot of fine hairs here... but this is how it works if you really want to know.

"any picture that's posted elsewhere online is fair game" -- your link is a good one, and answers this question.
I am a photographer and I HATE when people steal my photos, WITHOUT asking first and even if they are watermarked . I also hate when the steal and do not credit with a working link back to my website. I spend a lot of time on the photos I make and I have thousands invested into my gear. Photographs aren't free.

I recently found my Mongoose Dolomite image (which I posted here last winter) on, a site that uses affiliate links and runs advertisements in order to profit from the content on the website.
While they did leave my watermark, they never asked permission and they never included a link to my website.
I contacted the owner of the site, asked them to take the photo down and let them know in so many words that this practice of stealing without asking is really some low life crap.

My next step is to send a DMCA takedown notice. I think I know who runs the site, based off whois info and the linksynergy data.

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I am a photographer and I HATE when people steal my photos, WITHOUT asking first and even if they are watermarked . I also hate when the steal and do not credit with a working link back to my website. I spend a lot of time on the photos I make and I have thousands invested into my gear. Photographs aren't free.

I recently found my Mongoose Dolomite image (which I posted here last winter) on, a site that uses affiliate links and runs advertisements in order to profit from the content on the website.
While they did leave my watermark, they never asked permission and they never included a link to my website.
I contacted the owner of the site, asked them to take the photo down and let them know in so many words that this practice of stealing without asking is really some low life crap.

My next step is to send a DMCA takedown notice. I think I know who runs the site, based off whois info and the linksynergy data.

Beautiful Photo. I don't blame you for wanting to protect your ownership.
As jerrykr pointed out above, as soon as anybody pushes the button on the camera and the picture is created, it's officially copyrighted and it's "theirs."

Wikipedia does a pretty good job with their usual oversimplified explanation, but to me the important line is "In 1989 the United States enacted the Berne Convention Implementation Act, amending the 1976 Copyright Act to conform to most of the provisions of the Berne Convention. As a result, the use of copyright notices has become optional to claim copyright, because the Berne Convention makes copyright automatic," and that brought the US's copyright rules in line with 167 other member countries around the world.

Unfortunately, as jerrykr ALSO pointed out, computers and the ease of "copy/paste" and "save as," plus social media sites like Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram have people illegally copying and/or re-posting pictures illegally a million times per hour, with no idea that they're doing anything wrong.
...and Raoul, did you personally take that photo of Johnny Depp?:21:

Ha! And, er, no! :rofl: On the other hand, with the addition of the Photoshopped sunglasses I "borrowed" from elsewhere, AND with the rather esoteric, multi-level joke behind my screen name, I MIGHT actually be able to successfully argue "fair use and parody."

Looks like I'm going to have to get my sunglasses and hat and take a new avatar picture sooner than I'd planned, so I don't end up hearing from Mr. Depp's attorneys! ;)
I am only making this observation for the sake of conversation and not trying to be critical in any way; but Deuce, did you get Randy Quade's permission to use his likeness from Christmas Vacation in your avatar and Raoul, did you personally take that photo of Johnny Depp?:21:

I called National Lampoon they said go for it...
Just for the record, I took the photo that became my avatar, BUT, the photo is of wall art from the sign on a now closed antique store in Ft Worth. I did some minor things to it in Photoshop. Did I steal another person's art work? Maybe, not really sure. Plenty of guilt to go around I suppose.... LOL!