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Jan 2, 2012
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I recently purchased another frame from ebay Italy.
2 questions that came into my mind.
1. Did I really need another frame? And
2. No Funds.
Hence the name Justified.
Too many interesting parts not to buy it. And of cause it was listed as a Vintage Americano Bike.
First thing that caught my eye were the 2 racks,the mousetrap in the front and the rear with 2 reflectors. Identical to the schwinn starlets,not to mention the frame shape.
s-l1600 (1).jpg

Frame fits 26" balloon tires,only thing is someone painted it all black...
So was it a Americano starlet? Nope. The design copies everything of a american bike from the 60's. I started to strip some paint in hopes of finding a brand,all I was getting was the original red+ white.
s-l1600 (5) - Copy.jpg

The most interesting thing was the space/winged guard. I removed some paint to find the word TUDER.
s-l1600 (7).jpg

So a little more online research and found that this style was common in the 50's-60's,made by Legnano,Atalas,Olympia and Wander. The seller took the badge off to sell seperate. And it is a Wander badge. The other 3 companies badges dont fit the space that is outlined.
Here is what the bike would have looked like before it went black
below is a Schwinn starlet lll to compare to.
Have no clue yet on color,style or any ideas yet.
My thought was to make a tank and convert it to a boys.
The bike cost $60 with shipping,so certainly worth it. or should I say Justified.
Cool find. For 60, lots of cool components.

That guard is pretty cool.

This will make a sweet convertible.

Building..... Riding.....
Not much going on here,just pondering on color and design....
I think I will stick with the black frame.(but needs to be repainted)
Black and chrome if I can remove the paint from the guards etc.
Maybe a fiberglass tank. Thinking of a style that would suit it.
Please cut out the middle tube when you put a new top tube in. Every time I see a women's bike that has been converted and they leave that middle bar in, it looks like it's just a girl's bike with a tube welded on it. I'd hate to see "just" an anything here... Your builds are better than that.

Please cut out the middle tube when you put a new top tube in. Every time I see a women's bike that has been converted and they leave that middle bar in, it looks like it's just a girl's bike with a tube welded on it. I'd hate to see "just" an anything here... Your builds are better than that.

Most of the time I do that. But this time I was thinking to leave the tube in. But with the type of tank I want will be best if I take it out and maybe a straight middle tube...
You have that right TRM.
I simply wanted to just clean this bike up quickley, now it's like a whole new makeover.
Why can't I just keep things simple.o_O(emoji: gun to head,pop-pop-pop or is it pew-peew-pew.:crazy2:)
At the moment deciding on the top bar,and if I will extend the rear dropouts or just widen them by 1cm. Wanting to fit 24"x3 tires in.
Bad windy day today so will start designing the tank,either fiberglass or just had a brain fart(a wooden one):39:
So far I have stripped down to the frame. Except for rear guard,one screw is stubborn. Broke both cotter pins.
The front rack is bent,will attempt to straighten it out,if not they could always become struts at some point.
Upload some pics later.
Managed to get the rear fender off.Did a bit a damage but should be able to sort it out. The screw had just fused to the frame.

I think I am going with these roadmaster forks,I purchased many moons ago,and have been hoarding them. They fit perfectly.

The first cut is the deepest. Just for you Carl.
Will decide if I want to run 1 top bar or twins.

Started shaping the tank.I used building foam glued together to get the thickness. There will be 2 parts the bottom and the top. Bottom is ready and will start fiberglassing it this week. The top will wait until the bottom is done. As I want to shape it and make it less bulky.

I think I have it all sorted and where I am going with this...
Even the color,well most of it.Will decide if I am adding red later.
Awesome start of a FRM tank :D
Would be a whole lot easier to just buy a trm tank.
My original design was to be a torpedo shape,but it wont work with what i want to do,not this time anyway. The idea was a whole rocket theme idea.

This needs to be just right.At the moment it looks like a camel hump. But that will go,wont look so alien looking. I hope.
Nice work, those forks are cool.
Has that vintage vibe for sure.
Did you say one and a twin top tubes?
Triple top tubes, yeah!

Either one top tube or twinsy. Twinsy would hold the tank better.
Started stripping the paint/varnish not sure what half of it is off the handlebars/stem/parts/crankset/front rack etc. Also able to get the black paint off front fender and chain guard. Has a few bumps here and there,will try and straighten the dings out if I can... The guards are steel and the chrome seems in good cond.

Not sure if i will be using some of these parts,but it was raining and what else was I to do.
Also had to rebuild the foam template for the tank,had made it a few cms thin...
For some reason the last two photos are not showing in post 12, but the 'building foam' that you described will most likely melt if you try to fiberglass over it. You will need to seal it first. Either wrap it with something or the easiest way would be to paint it first with water based house paint. Anything to create a barrier between the foam and the resin. Try a test piece first!
but the 'building foam' that you described will most likely melt if you try to fiberglass over it. You will need to seal it first.t!
Thanx for that was going to ask you. I have wrapped it in tape 2 types and then will rub wax on it. I did some research it says the fiberglass will melt it as it heats up. And to use acetone to melt out the mold. I might even wrap some foil around it... picked up all the stuff today.

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