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Vote for your Favorite bikes!

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
Broken Hill, Australia
If you have not been following along on the build-off, please check the finished threads as there are lots of little details you might miss:

Bikes are in the order they were entered to the finished thread, you can vote for as many as you like in one sitting, however once you hit 'enter' on your votes you can not vote again in this class.

Voting will last 7 days.

Here are the 12 entrants in Class 2:

01: Silver Angel by @Glen:
01 Silver angel.jpg

02: Murray Missile by @KJV:
02 Murray Missile.jpg

03: The Wild One by @GuitarlCarl:
03 the wild one.jpg

04: Little Piggie (24" pig) by @kram:
04 Little piggy.jpg

05: Mad Murray by @KJV:
05 Mad Murray.jpg

06: The Manta Racer Project: Manta Ray II by @ParkRNDL:
06 The Manta Racer.jpg

07: Southern Star @Rat Track:
07 Southern Star.jpg

08: Irish Springer by @Brian macumber:
08 Irish springer.jpg

09: Brat Attitude! by @biggraham:
09 Brat attitude.jpg

10: Tijuana Reject by @Muttley:
10 tijuana reject.jpg

11: Muscle Spasm by @GuitarlCarl:
11 Muscle spasm.jpg

12: Bonanzaaaahhhh by @irzouts:
12 Bonanzaaaahhhh.jpg

Those are your choices!

Please refrain from commenting on who you voted for, or what specific bikes have what votes in the comments, lets not sway anyone who has yet to vote!

Builders, if I have made any mistakes please message me and I will get it sorted.

Thanks for voting, please check out the Class 1 voting booth too!

I enjoyed building.
Planned alot more on both mine ;
Health issues put a damper on that.
I'm just thankful both were able to be in Finish. With more to come in future.with MAD MURRAY.:grin:
Good Job to: All.:cool2:
I'm thrilled to have done as well as I did in my first ever build-off. Already getting ideas for future ones. For the next MBBO, there's a 20" Spyder frame here in the basement that's been sitting for over 10 years waiting for inspiration. And a friend just sent me a Facebook Marketplace link for a repro straight-bar bike in somewhat rough shape that I'm thinking about throwing out an offer on; it'd make a great strandie. See what you guys did? I'm hooked.

Thanks to Luke for setting it up, and to all who participated for making it fun and enjoyable.
MBBO2 was my first buildoff and I've tried to be in every BigBuildOff, every WBO, and every MBBO since. Rarely placing in the top ten. So, 4th and 2nd feel pretty good even though we didn't have as many entries and less finishers. I also think that I have the biggest and the smallest bike in this buildoff. That's pretty weird too. o_O


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