Still looking for advice on the type of steel tubing I should be looking for.
I need to sort out a drive train, I don't know if I'll keep it skiptooth or not. Front tire will likely stay skinny, I do like that dragster look. But I have no idea what back wheel I'll be using. All other accoutrements are on the chopping block as well. The cymbal parts will probably end up on a guitar down the road. The ratty Delta headlight is out, as is the little airplane that sits on the crossbar. My pinstriper buddy has been noticing that he hasn't done any of my bikes so there's that...
The sheet of plywood is for some pieces for a beekeeper I know. I gotta get on that so the leftovers can be used for my bender. All in good time. I should hook up the 220v in my other garage and move my big ARC welder
and the MIG I inherited over there, so I don't have to 110v wire feed this.
There's things I love on this one too and I can't afford one of those full custom frames like a couple of the Taildraggers have. So I'll continue to modify and upgrade bikes I have until it is a full custom frame.

or I sell a couple three or four... I miss seeing you both.