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I can imagine that the builds that are not finished feel the pressure right now. So how is everyone doing? Last week next week!
Some may never finish unfortunately... just like my trailer :cry:

But I have my ride planned for next week, can't wait!

When is your build entry @MattiThundrrr ? :thumbsup:
I feel like I could just throw a brake light on mine and call it done. I have been saying that since it had two wheels though so... I mean I could also get away with mounting a gua-17 so we'll see. I don't have to go back to work till September is all I am saying. I want to see Psychographic finish painting his.
I can imagine that the builds that are not finished feel the pressure right now. So how is everyone doing? Last week next week!
Some may never finish unfortunately... just like my trailer :cry:

But I have my ride planned for next week, can't wait!

When is your build entry @MattiThundrrr ? :thumbsup:
I have one in the Mini March build off. The deadline was April, should have it done in the next year or so
I can imagine that the builds that are not finished feel the pressure right now. So how is everyone doing? Last week next week!...
I'd be doing better if I didn't gash my wrist last Saturday. I could've already had my bike cleared and even painted by now, but my new scar means I can't use my dad's sandblaster until this wound is sealed and healed. I suppose I could have Dad sandblast the few parts I have left for me, and I could wire-brush, clear and paint them myself (with bigger gloves and longer sleeves, mind you,) but he might be too busy to really help right now.

I have managed to get most of my decals designed now, but I really want to get my bike really for reassembly.

I just wish I could bring myself to catch up and comment on everyone else's builds, but given how many threads there are, and just how much there is to read on each thread, and how little time I have left to finish my own bike, I can't help but feel more than a little overwhelmed.
I can imagine that the builds that are not finished feel the pressure right now

Mines not done yet, but whatever. It'll get done when it gets done. I probably only have a couple of hours to go, but other stuff comes first
I didn't think I would have time to get my body work done to my satisfaction, which is one of the reasons I was going to go white. Last night I spent hours looking at the frame to figure out how I could add some graphics to dress it up. I came up with nada. Luckily after a little more filling and sanding I got it acceptable, not perfect, but acceptable. The new color was a last minute decision. I was almost convinced to paint it candy orange until about an hour before I started painting.

Will I finish in time, and am I worried? I sure hope so, and most definitely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like I could just throw a brake light on mine and call it done. I have been saying that since it had two wheels though so... I mean I could also get away with mounting a gua-17 so we'll see. I don't have to go back to work till September is all I am saying. I want to see Psychographic finish painting his.

I'm working on it.
I'm working on it.
I so nearly gave up on mine , I was chasing that old unicorn perfection. The unicorn was nowhere to be found . I reasoned perfection is for folks that don't finish . Hindsight has me thinking I would do bits different , looking hard at the bike i can see the flaws . These are now locked in , i needed to accept that and move on. and hopefully noted for the next one . What I'm saying is try hard, but be fair to yourself too . Finish the things if you can . Nurture, then release them into the wild :)
I'd be doing better if I didn't gash my wrist last Saturday. I could've already had my bike cleared and even painted by now, but my new scar means I can't use my dad's sandblaster until this wound is sealed and healed. I suppose I could have Dad sandblast the few parts I have left for me, and I could wire-brush, clear and paint them myself (with bigger gloves and longer sleeves, mind you,) but he might be too busy to really help right now.

I have managed to get most of my decals designed now, but I really want to get my bike really for reassembly.

I just wish I could bring myself to catch up and comment on everyone else's builds, but given how many threads there are, and just how much there is to read on each thread, and how little time I have left to finish my own bike, I can't help but feel more than a little overwhelmed.
I know what you mean. I have been busy outside the buildoff aswel. So I dislike that I can't follow all progress. Good luck with your hand! Be careful in these times!

I so nearly gave up on mine , I was chasing that old unicorn perfection. The unicorn was nowhere to be found . I reasoned perfection is for folks that don't finish . Hindsight has me thinking I would do bits different , looking hard at the bike i can see the flaws . These are now locked in , i needed to accept that and move on. and hopefully noted for the next one . What I'm saying is try hard, but be fair to yourself too . Finish the things if you can . Nurture, then release them into the wild :)
I am always scared to ride a "perfect" bike. I like it technically perfect and sound, and a rough exterior ;)
I know what you mean. I have been busy outside the buildoff aswel. So I dislike that I can't follow all progress. Good luck with your hand! Be careful in these times!

I am always scared to ride a "perfect" bike. I like it technically perfect and sound, and a rough exterior ;)
Ah the first time you chunk a shiny bike, thats the point where you learn to relax and begin to enjoy it.
BentRims is moving fast

I love that gusset!

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