Selling/Trading During the Pandemic

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Ok, I wasn't expecting this thread to become the "random meaningless thread" or whatever it's called here and on The CABE. I thought derailleurs were supposed to keep things on track.

But hey, you guys just keep being you.
This is what covid lockdown does to you
I'm a fan of most things 'grunge'... especially anything Chris Cornell related. So, I'm a Cliff Poncier fan as well :grin:.

Touch me I'm Dick is actually a parody of Mudhoney's song as it was done by most of Pearl Jam.

“I think a lot of people might think it’s actually about, you know, ‘My name is Dick, and, you know, you can touch me,’ but, I think, you know, it can be seen either way.” -Cliff Poncier
Sure, why give up on an opportunity to demean people who think differently to you.
It's an opinion...we are all entitled to those. It's only demeaning if he confronts a person with his opinion in a shaming or degrading way. If they share differing opinions, it's a discussion.

edited because I made an unnecessary comment that wasn't applicable to the situation.
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It's an opinion...we are all entitled to those. It's only demeaning if he confronts a person with his opinion in a shaming or degrading way. If they share differing opinions, it's a discussion.

Not a fan of the whole cancel culture thing.
I'm not the government or a censor, I can't cancel anyone. I'm not infringing anyone's rights. I have the exact same powers and agency as anyone else here.

When someone exercises their right to post on a public forum their opinion that people who are taking precautions about the virus are being paranoid, they can expect to hear what others think of their opinion.
I'm not the government or a censor, I can't cancel anyone. I'm not infringing anyone's rights. I have the exact same powers and agency as anyone else here.
Right...and that's why I removed that comment before anyone responded and indicated it was unnecessary and not applicable. Why bring it up when I already said it was wrong?
When someone exercises their right to post on a public forum their opinion that people who are taking precautions about the virus are being paranoid, they can expect to hear what others think of their opinion.
Sure...thats a discussion. But, you accused him of demeaning a non specific nebulous group of people...and then demeaned him, somewhat passively. Seems a bit like dirty pool.

I know that in general, as a society, we are on edge. I see people's actions and attitudes becoming more and more aggressive. Everything is feels like a trap...I don't want to fall in to it. I get a lot of pleasure out of your posts and comments... I've admired yoothgeyes builds and attitude over the years. I am evidently the world's worst diplomat, I tried to diffuse before things escalated...and probably escalated them myself.
Right...and that's why I removed that comment before anyone responded and indicated it was unnecessary and not applicable. Why bring it up when I already said it was wrong?
I didn't see that you'd edited it. I hit reply when I first read it, then put my phone down and went away to so other th things and also make sure I wrote with a cool head. You must have changed it in between that and when I picked up my phone again. I appreciate the edit.

Sure...thats a discussion. But, you accused him of demeaning a non specific nebulous group of people...and then demeaned him, somewhat passively. Seems a bit like dirty pool.
Ok yeah, I was passive aggressive and sarcastic, maybe that wasn't the best approach.

How's this

I take issue with someone dismissing people who take precautions about covid as paranoid. Not everyone is able to fight off the virus if they caught it, it could mean permanent disability or death for them.
And there's know way of knowing if the guy coming to buy or sell a bike has been driving interstate to sell bikes, meeting a bunch of new people, shaking everyone's hands, and generally taking zero precautions. There's also no way of knowing if he's an asymptomatic carrier.

Being cautious right now isn't paranoia.
I appreciate the edit.
Gotcha...that makes sense :thumbsup:.
I take issue with someone dismissing people who take precautions about covid as paranoid. Not everyone is able to fight off the virus if they caught it, it could mean permanent disability or death for them.
And there's know way of knowing if the guy coming to buy or sell a bike has been driving interstate to sell bikes, meeting a bunch of new people, shaking everyone's hands, and generally taking zero precautions. There's also no way of knowing if he's an asymptomatic carrier.

Being cautious right now isn't paranoia.
I'm pretty much on the same page with that entire statement.

The problem is when, for flippant, jokey, dismissive, etc reasons, a complex population is reduced to two giant generalizations. That's what I was trying to say in a funny way with the driving statement I made early (I find myself to be funny all the time... I've come to accept not everyone else does. Their loss :grin:). More realistically, there are the paranoid...and the reasonably cautious...on that side of yoothgeye. My point of view is that we aren't at the beginning of this pandemic anymore...we have data, we know who is at higher risk and who aren't. It is past time that we (society) need to harden the protections around those at risk while moving forward with life for those not at risk (statistically, I'm on the border...I am of the age that I am on the mortality ramp, but I'm at the bottom of it...but, I have several of the risk factors in addition to age... unfortunately for me, I am still clinging to the invulnerability of youth despite the evidence of age or those conditions :bigsmile:). The numbers I've seen for total deaths this year vary, but are much higher than a normal year (obviously)...and also much higher than the chinavirus death count. Part of that difference could be undercounting of Covid deaths, some could be normal deviation...but, we know for sure that a portion (significant, in my opinion) are suicides, domestic violence, substance addiction, and resistance to obtain care for medical conditions that could have been treated (unreasonable fear).
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