Rat Rod Blades Challenge 2021 - Build thread

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Sep 26, 2012
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Chicago, IL
Rating - 100%
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Welcome to the Rad Rod Blades 2021 Challenge!

Feb 1 - April 30

The goal of the challenge is to make a completed functional knife where there were only parts before, or if you're beginning with a complete knife, then it should be re-made, refurbished, or customized to the point where there is a substantial visual and/or functional difference from the starting point.

Any any skill or ambition level welcome! If you've never done anything like this before or you're an ABS Master smith. Whether you got a build your own knife kit for Christmas, wanna powder coat and flamejob your trusty pocket knife, or you're gonna hand forge a new knife from an old file!

To enter the challenge post in this challenge thread, stating the name of your build at the top in bold, pics of your starting materials, and what your plans for it are.

Unlike the main bike buildoffs all entries will use this thread to post build updates etc.
You'll start each new progress post with the title of your build in bold at the top, for example:
Rat Fink Machete
Followed by the update.

This will differentiate actual build updates from regular jabber jawing in the thread. There is also a discussion thread. Try to use the discussion thread for anything longer than two or three posts of back and forth.
Challenge runs from Feb 1st to April 30th. All work must be done during this time frame.

All final pics will need to be posted in the challenge thread by April 30, with Finished: <Build Title> at the top of their final update post, followed by three photos of their completed build that want to be used for voting.

Everyone can have up to two entries in the challenge, and unlimited substitutions if things go wrong, but only a max of two builds per person will go to vote at the end.

Anyone can join in at any time after the start date, as long as they include a starting point photo, and haven't started any work before Feb 1.

If all entrants have stated they are finished before April 30 the challenge can be closed early and voting begun. However if just one person in the pack wants to use their full time allowed the challenge will remain open until April 30.

If at any point after March 15, two thirds of the existing participants have said they're finished and aren't starting a second build, then the challenge will be closed to new entries. Exceptions may be made, case by case.

Winner will be decided by vote open to all RRB forum members. Voting thread will be posted shortly after the challenge has ended. Each entry in the voting thread will consist of the build name and three photos chosen by the entrant. Put the photos in your “Finished” post the order you want them to appear.

At this stage there are no prizes, just bragging rights. But you never know around here.

The Falstaff rule on non-knife entries:
You can enter an alternate bladed tool or weapon if you choose. Eg. An axe, hatchet or sword. However, it should be in the spirit of the challenge (no ice skates). Use this scale of awesome as your guide, the further you stray from a "knife" the more impressive and creative the work you plan to do should be.
For example, forging a hatchet from a wrench is awesome. Putting a premade axe haft from home depot on an old axe head is not. In the second case there are things you could do to make it awesome though, hand carve the haft from an interesting wood and carve intricate designs into it, engrave or etch the blade with patterns, reprofile the head. Remember you are aiming for a substantial visual and/or functional difference from the starting point.
If you have a non-knife idea but are not sure it counts, ask the group for their input.

I don't think any further restrictions on builds than that are needed. If something comes up, I’ll add more rules!

Just remember that this is RRB, and creativity, skill, out of the box thinking, and being an all round clever fellow go a long way in the votes.

Good luck everyone, have fun, and get to building!

@Oak Tree
@Short Stuff
@Captain Awesome
Padauk Basher
Got this nice little drop point skinner blank from Mrs. Verrtinski for Christmas few years ago. Time to put it together.

Got some Padauk wood scales to go on it (also a Christmas present). I won't be treating it to keep the orange, I'll just let it turn dark as it ages.

Pins will be copper, made from old copper roofing nails. They're original to my house so that puts them at 1927 (Just now realized I only put two in for the photo and I need three).

To make it a little more interesting, I'm going to try my hand at some wire inlay. Got spools of solid core copper wire lying around from when we rewired the house.

If I can find an appropriate gauge copper pipe around, I may make the last pin a lanyard hole and cover over the the included slot with the scales.

If there's time and motivation I'll try making a new sheath from actual leather, rather than the PU one it came with. We'll see.
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Goodwill Hunting
As indicated by the name, this 'will' be a knife capable of all around 'hunting' and cutting purposes; but only for the 'good'. And, I purchased the blade at Goodwill.

I will be doing a material removal style of blade and tang, with the single piece being cut from this 10" table saw blade. The handle will be fashioned out of this piece of mesquite branch (or one like it) that was cut on my uncle's ranchette in tbe Oro Valley on the northern edge of Tucson, AZ. He just moved off the ranch after 29 yrs there, so I will be making this in his honor. He is also a skilled craftsman, so the saw blade is an appropriate choice for the blade material.

For some reason, I have had a 'server error' pop up when trying to post photos. I will attempt this post without photos for now, and hope to add them later.

@Rat Rod Rod, Steve, has been notified.
Steve's got a request in to the I.T. guys. Should be fixed soon. You are not alone.
You ARE in the U.P., but you are not alone here.
Yeah, when stuff like this happens I figure it’s just my WiFi from the telephone company. No cell service here and if the tv is streaming and my wife and I are surfing then and a visitor is on then we can’t do anything on the net. It won’t open any pages. It’s wonky, sometimes stuff will not open when one person is on. It’s nice to know it’s no us that has a messed up internet in the land that time forgot.
Changed my build name to Padauk Basher.

A hilarious pun playing on the phonetic similarities between Padauk and Paddock. A paddock basher being a beat up farm car.
A basher (or beater), when applied to a knife, being a work knife used abused for all manner of tasks.

Not that I plan on making it look like a beat up old knife, but all my knives become bashers because I treat them so badly. If you can't use it as a screwdriver, a hammer, and a crowbar, why have it!
Goodwill Hunting
Day 1 is in the books for OJ and the Rad Rod Knife Challenge. Here are a bunch of photos to tell the story.

I used a left over 22 x 22" floor tile from our reno a couple years back underneath my blade material. When the sparks stopped flying, I knew I was through the steel. Worked pretty well.

I used water splashed on the steel after each series of light cuts to keep the heat down.

I used a Sharpie to shade in where my bevel would start for my edge, then used the flap wheel on my angle grinder to grind the bevel. This is just an initial stage to the shaping of the blade.

Here's how it looks after day one. A fun day in the garage, working with my hands. Does it get any better?

Goodwill Hunting
Day 1 is in the books for OJ and the Rad Rod Knife Challenge. Here are a bunch of photos to tell the story.

I used a left over 22 x 22" floor tile from our reno a couple years back underneath my blade material. When the sparks stopped flying, I knew I was through the steel. Worked pretty well.View attachment 150546View attachment 150547View attachment 150548View attachment 150549View attachment 150550

I used water splashed on the steel after each series of light cuts to keep the heat down.
View attachment 150551View attachment 150552

I used a Sharpie to shade in where my bevel would start for my edge, then used the flap wheel on my angle grinder to grind the bevel. This is just an initial stage to the shaping of the blade.
View attachment 150553View attachment 150554

Here's how it looks after day one. A fun day in the garage, working with my hands. Does it get any better?

View attachment 150555View attachment 150560
Looks like a good chopper... for broccoli.

Let me word that differently for all you rivet counters...
I've been patiently waiting for Feb 1st to get my post in.

I could probably crank this thing out in a good afternoon so...
That's Not a Knife...
could turn into a whole set of,
These Ain't Knives...
Merle said I have to file that away for future reference.


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