Goodwill Hunting Knife
Day 2 build is in the books. Gonna sneak a bike ride in before dinner, gorgeous day here in Mesa.
First off, I still do rusty. I know my RaTs GaSs build was shiny as could be last summer, but my roots are in rust; whether real or 'surreal'. We picked up this metal cactus at the flea market, but my wife was not pleased with the 'metally' look of the raw steel. "Can you make this rusty, like the other cactus, for me honey?"
Huh? That's what I DO, sweetheart!
So , with a mix of hydrogen peroxide and white vinegar, and some table salt, we created this in just a few minutes time.
The new one is on the left. It has already darkened some in the last few days, and will continue to over time in the desert sun.
Since I first started thinking about this way back in Dec when
@Verrt first mentioned it, I knew I would need a couple tools in AZ that I didn't have. Today, I made the short trip to Harbor Freight to pick up this 1 x 30" belt sander which was on a killer sale. Watching hour after hour of Youtube in the early mornings, time and time again I had seen the extensive use of this tool in knife making.
A few minutes of grinding on the blade produced a beautiful shine and took the grind marks from the flap disc right out.
And then an hour later I had the semblance of an 'edge'.
Of course, now that it's shiny, it's time for some 'rat-ina' . As he did in BO 13, Colonel Mustard did it in the garage, with the knife....
Till tomorrow, BlaDe oN~!