Rat Rod Blades Challenge 2021 - Build thread

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A little more progress yesterday.
the basic shape is set, pivot hole drilled and now I just need to make the handle, bevel, sharpen, harden, temper, and then polish everything up.
@Oak Tree , what are the two stain colors you tried? If you want a distressed, barn wood that's been around for years look, I have used the Minwax Weathered Oak and been pretty happy with the result.

Another option might be to use a shellac on the handle, and then sand a bit to even it out and take the shine / gloss out. Or you could try a beeswax finish that tends to dry to a satin finish and yet pulls the figure out in the grain nicely.
Nice work @Swampthing ! Is there some sort of 'spring' or release that you activate to get the blade to fold back in to the handle?
just let go and fold it.
hopefully the curly bit will sit in the grip held down by hand, so it can’t close if it’s being used. At least that’s the hope.
kind of old - school easy-open and semi-safe.
Goodwill Hunting Knife
Day.....? update. While I ponder anymore work / mods to the knife blade itself, I will be on the hunt for material for a sheath, first stop; Goodwill hunting for a knife sheath.
We do have an actual Tandy Leather Craft store down here in the valley. Never been there, but might be a good time to check it out. They have kits, tools, leather, etc for this type of thing.

Here's my knife the way it stands right now. Light oil on the handle, still the polished bare metal with ground texture.

Goodwill Hunting Knife
Day.....? update. While I ponder anymore work / mods to the knife blade itself, I will be on the hunt for material for a sheath, first stop; Goodwill hunting for a knife sheath.
We do have an actual Tandy Leather Craft store down here in the valley. Never been there, but might be a good time to check it out. They have kits, tools, leather, etc for this type of thing.

Here's my knife the way it stands right now. Light oil on the handle, still the polished bare metal with ground texture.

View attachment 151258View attachment 151259
Looking Good! I like the light colored scales.
just let go and fold it.
hopefully the curly bit will sit in the grip held down by hand, so it can’t close if it’s being used. At least that’s the hope.
kind of old - school easy-open and semi-safe.

"The friction folder, peasant knife, farmer knife, or penny knife is the original and most basic design of a folding pocketknife, using a simple pivoted blade that folds in and out of the handle freely, without a backspring, slipjoint, or blade locking mechanism.[6] The first peasant knives date to the pre-Roman era"
"The friction folder, peasant knife, farmer knife, or penny knife is the original and most basic design of a folding pocketknife, using a simple pivoted blade that folds in and out of the handle freely, without a backspring, slipjoint, or blade locking mechanism.[6] The first peasant knives date to the pre-Roman era"
But to be a true peasant knife, it must also be forged outdoors and barefoot under a new moon.
there are some esoteric metallurgical processes that make this step critical.
I am not sharp enough to handle the math, but factoring in the slope of the bevel to match the Cheshire cat’s smile at the right time can make the blade wonderful.
Old Uncle
Got some work done today even with Texas freezing over and rolling blackouts. Actually had the knife on the sander and lights went out- pitch black. It was weird.
Anyway, I seem reluctant to glue and pin my knife-like once I do that, I can’t undo it. I can’t put my finger on why, I am just finding excuses not to glue and pin. Maybe it’s a commitment issue.
@KJV , your hillbilly roots are showing. :grin: Just kidding!
@Oak Tree , That was the scariest part for me too. But after I drilled the holes in the handle, and lined up and drilled the holes in the scales (which allowed for some margin of error, i.e. slightly larger than the dimension of the tang) I just mixed up the epoxy and let it fly. Of course, with 5 min epoxy, I didn't have time to second guess myself. And through the years, I've found that about 85-90% of the time going with my gut feeling is the best route.

But, as @ifitsfreeitsforme Ian mentioned, not all relationships are the same. :nerd:
That was the scariest part for me too. But after I drilled the holes in the handle, and lined up and drilled the holes in the scales (which allowed for some margin of error, i.e. slightly larger than the dimension of the tang) I just mixed up the epoxy and let it fly.

Scariest part for me cutting the scales down to rough shape. Historically I've screwed up more things with a saw, than with glue/epoxy.

Strangely, I rarely have any apprehension about drilling. Though I probably should, as it's my number 1 project ending screw up tool.
Goodwill Hunting Knife

Just got home from visiting the Tandy Leather Co. shop in Tempe, AZ. It's kind of like a warehouse with an outlet store built in to it. Smelled great, all that leather. Found a sheath kit that I can sew up and also picked up a couple of stamps and a wooden mallet. The stamps are an oak leaf, I know not very desert like but will also be used in the BACK40 where oaks and other trees prevail; and another that will be used to trim the edge of the sheath.

"Since 1919, Tandy Leather has been the resource for generations of leathercrafters, providing quality leather, tools, kits and teaching resources. Charles Tandy’s dream was to teach the world leathercraft, one person at a time. "


My recollection of Tandy Leather is tied to my days as a Cub Scout and an Indian Guide. We made a couple of different projects , billfold, bracelet, and belt. I don't have any photos of me with those, but I remember trips to our local hobby shop where we could get the official Tandy Leather goods needed to fulfill those projects.

Once again I find myself doing what I did as a kid in the '60s, now as a kid in my 60's.
yes sir, Mr KJV. It’s been a coons age since I’ve heard about splitting mules hair.
and yes, the Tandy store is a great place to be. Someone should make a woman’s perfume to smell like that place. Woo Wee!

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