I’ve been posting a lot lately, but this acquisition has been in the works for over a month and I just got it today. If you can believe it, this was posted on CL for a few days! ( that blows me away) A member of this site who wishes to remain anonymous helped me to get this rare frame. I live in Washington state and it came from Massachusetts! Guy went out of his way and we really don’t know each other. THANKS. It’s rough, when I got today I kinda freaked out how bad it looked, I knew the seat tube had a hole rusted out by bottom bracket, but when I got it, it looked like I’d never get it apart. It looks like it was partially buried! I immediately drenched with WD-40 and started trying to break stuff loose. I was amazed that in 1 1/2 hrs I was able to get crank out, seat post bolt ( snapped) and all the bolts loosened up and turning except the front fork and stem. Got stem bolt loose but it’s seized. Got frame upside down with steerer full WD, gonna get some PB Blaster tomorrow. If I had the fab skills a lot of you have it’d be no problem, but I don’t. I am resourceful though and I’ll find a way. I have a friend on the CABE really trying hard to get this from me! Funny thing someone recently have front spring for this for sale recently but it had already sold when my friend saw the ad.

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