New build. This will be a bit of a slow burner of a build. I already built one 6 years ago (in the first photo attached, forge custom cycles built it).
Now I am going for 29" wheels and bigger motor. The forks are hand built by a frame builder here in London.
So to kick off I have a question, the headtube on the Porucho is short compared to the forks head tube length which is long. Any ideas on the most aesthetic way of bridging this gap? Bear in mind the headset cap will sit flush on the top of the forks so I will not be able to add a spacer after. Please see photos, difficult to explain. Any help appreciated.
Now I am going for 29" wheels and bigger motor. The forks are hand built by a frame builder here in London.
So to kick off I have a question, the headtube on the Porucho is short compared to the forks head tube length which is long. Any ideas on the most aesthetic way of bridging this gap? Bear in mind the headset cap will sit flush on the top of the forks so I will not be able to add a spacer after. Please see photos, difficult to explain. Any help appreciated.

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