Chimera BMX

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Epic Level Bike Hoarder! 🏆
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Jul 2, 2015
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Mid-Willamette Valley, Oregon
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Titanium BMX from Chimera...3800W!


Chimera eBMX
34lbs... I'll be watching for the MSRP when it's launched next month. Probably way outta my price range...but, it's the first (production) ebike I have had any interest in...and it REALLY interests me!
I have (maybe had now 🤔) zero interest in one for myself but the wife has wanted one for some time. Ordered her an Aventon

THIS beast however has me intrigued. Price point will undoubtedly be ridiculous
Titanium BMX from Chimera...3800W!

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Chimera eBMX
Dude, we posted minutes apart about this bike! I mentioned it in my thread after having a conversion with a fellow rider/ebiker who was also aware of it. A prototype was tested in NYC. I hope it will make an appearance at the Electrify Expo in NY in late august. A group of us are going. As a BMXer this is my ultimate ebike!
Saw your post and was like cool, must be a re-post. Then I notice the thread was up just before mine. What a coincidence. Several of us the night before were talking about the upcoming Expo and what we wanted to see. The Chimera was a hot topic. It's a pretty obscure project. Not cheap either, all high end components and construction.
I need a lightweight ebike I can thrash on without having to rely on pedal assist. Many non ebikes I ride weigh around 35lbs anyway. The only time they reach 35mph is in my dreams. My bud jokingly said lets split the cost :21: Yeah sure. . . you buy, I fly. Money is no object for me when it comes to want and quality. It would cost me thousandths to reproduce such a bike.
You gotta be outside your mind not to buy. It's revolutionary! I'm ordering one. There will be a bigger battery. Look at it this way. It doesn't require pedal assist. It's not a bike for disabled people, although it can. It's made for thrashing on.
Everything about the design and parts is made for weight reduction. I've never seen such a logically thought out bike.
They are 24'' tires. It's not meant to be a 20'', which is very understandable considering its speed and maneuverability. It's a true BMX with an engine!
My initial worry was the higher RPM lower torque motor would get hot. Not a problem with the quality components and final drive ratios, which I just leaned can be changed by switching their cogs. The belt-drive reduction uses a standard GT3 belt with a 5mm pitch.

0 to 35mph under 6 seconds @35 lbs:crazy:
Saving up for more Dr. bills as well. . .
Context is the issue:

-Wife is pushing for ebikes for RV trips.
-I don't like ebikes, but... realistically, she'll win this one.
-I do like this ebike :thumbsup: , for much the same reasons you stated.

However, all day on a 20" bike is going to be rough for me. To be comfy, I need to be pretty upright with hands above the gut. I don't need full leg extension, but my knees prefer not to be bent much past 90°. I'm 6'2". I'm most comfy on a Big Ripper with 9.5-10" bars... that's going to be hard (impossible) to duplicate on a Chimera.

So, there's more to the decision than it being an absolute blast and the only ebike I've had any interest in. I got a couple days to consider.

Also not too keen on hanging a $5300 bike off the back of my camper, or Jeep, with nothing but a bike lock and cable to secure.
Context is the issue:

-Wife is pushing for ebikes for RV trips.
-I don't like ebikes, but... realistically, she'll win this one.
-I do like this ebike :thumbsup: , for much the same reasons you stated.

However, all day on a 20" bike is going to be rough for me. To be comfy, I need to be pretty upright with hands above the gut. I don't need full leg extension, but my knees prefer not to be bent much past 90°. I'm 6'2". I'm most comfy on a Big Ripper with 9.5-10" bars... that's going to be hard (impossible) to duplicate on a Chimera.

So, there's more to the decision than it being an absolute blast and the only ebike I've had any interest in. I got a couple days to consider.

Also not too keen on hanging a $5300 bike off the back of my camper, or Jeep, with nothing but a bike lock and cable to secure.
My friend who's 6'1'' has similar concerns.
Yeah, not a bike to be left unguarded.

For me it's the titanium design and size. I'd use if frequently. I was just comparing the other day what I'd lose/gain against a non-powered bike. It'll give me the same workout with greater range without having to rely on a pedal assist. Prior to the pandemic ebikes were few on the trails. Today they're everywhere. I can't keep up with my buddies who have them on regular bikes. Gotta admit they're useful and a lot of fun, and I can ride Chimera in the skate parks:)

It'll probably be hit with BMX YouTube Influencers. Marketing is low budget. Sometimes I scratch my head seeing low view counts asking myself, do people know what this is? It's brilliant! The exorbitant cost is a gamble for some of us. I'm 99% convinced.
The specs you posted show a 24x2.3 tire. I think that kind of speed and power would be bonkers on a 20

Oh is this possible? I've looked over the specs a dozen times...watched some videos...20" has been stuck in my head the whole time.

Its like how supposedly (debunked for the most part) that the natives couldn't see the first tall ships when they arrived in the New World... because they were so alien that their brains couldn't process the image they were seeing.

This is terrifying on so many levels. I just went from 40/60…or maybe 33.3/ the opposite. Holy garbanzo beans.

...and now I'll have to delete this whole thread to save me from the embarrassment of being so blind! :grin:
I see now that @hamqqea pointed out my error first, but it was @MattiThundrrr that was direct enough to pierce the veil of delusion that enrobed me. For his service, I aired up my Canuckian bike for a ride so I could contemplate my new reality...

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The Chimera is a straight-up street BMX monster. You don't strike me as the sort. It's not a cruiser or great off-road.

Where money is no objcet, it's no-brainer. One person I know who is also fixated on the bike bailed when the prices dropped.
The bike's worth a stretch for me. I'm pretty much over riding vintage bikes I refrain from pushing.
The Chimera IS my grail bike. I knew it immediately. I'm a die-hard street rider and will continue to be so until I can no longer.
I'm perusing the project even if for reasons there aren't enough buyers. I plan to sell off most of my vintage bike stuff to finance this or other similar build.

Yeah, going blind sucks! I dang near cut my finger off because I can't see well anymore, even with glasses.

Nothing to do with the bike really, but I was reminded of a fantastic song.

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