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I don't do Von Dutch. There are too many references to ra***sm in his biographies.

Ya gotta forgive and forget, Brother.

My families were both like that. All people were just waaay more prejuduced in those days. If you are not willing to forget those sins, you’d have to toss out over half of the famous names in hot rodding and car customizing, and about 90% of custom motorcyclists.

My mother was born in Kentucky during the great depression. You can’t imagine how she used to talk when I was a small child. It all changed during the 70s.

By the time I met my current wife all of that stuff was ancient history. Everybody in the family had forgotten about it. Nobody even blinked when I brought my new wife to dinner.

This was 34 years ago when we first met and we will celebrate our anniversary next month.
<edit...Judy looks funny there because my boss was flirting with her. That's the company pot-luck lunch.
You can see that I am a blinding pale white guy and my wife is almost a full blooded Navajo. She taught elementary school for 32 years.

Anyhow the world has changed an enormous amount in my 68 years, and it’s still changing as fast as ever. You can't change history, but it helps to have perspective.

. . . Graffiti is the last true form of free speech because it exists entirely out of corporate and government control

We used to see a lot of that here. Before the lizard overlords.

Nowadays it’s very rare. When I go to the skate parks, I see people skating, but I don’t see people painting.

The truth is that I live in a town that has a lot of old retired people and I live in a part of it that is very old by demographics standards. We just don’t have loose teenagers here doing graffiti.

In Fresno they have a law that makes them lock up all the spray paint and paint markers so kids won’t steal. This has made it even more expensive because of the labor to unlock it all the time, and so the price has gone up and up and up. And a $2 can of spray paint could be 7 to 8 dollars.

They never passed that law here in Clovis. When the weather clears I will take my bike out and see if I can find some local graffiti.

As for graffiti, who owns the public space, the public, or private corporations? . . .

It’s like this Matti:

I own a fence. It’s bordering a narrow public park with grass and trees etc. Everybody who drives up and down the avenue, across from the greenery can see my fence.

It cost me $2500 just for the red paint to paint my fence. If somebody decides to paint a Rattfink on it I’m going to be upset. AND, because I am an old man with aching joints, and it took me a loooong time to paint that fence, I would take it personally.

Of course I would forgive and forget, but You clearly understand what it’s like to be provoked.

My brother collects kozik vinyl. He did a series of political and celebrity busts, your Banksy reminds me of one he has yet to acquire View attachment 225124
I well recall the Mickey Mao and Mickey Maoist posters. Funny stuff. I think it derived from a cartoon first published in the national lampoon magazine about 1969 but you know how art gets copied.

It is far far far easier to criticize than to create. And just because something is deemed ugly, does that make the expression less artistic?

To everything there is a season.

in doing so i had to move some bits around and merge a few posts to make the continuity at least semi logical. If you notice anything is mildly skewed that would be my doing as it's the closest it could be rearranged
Just a fast pencil sketch I did for a skateboard which I never built.
It would have been #4 in Gods of the Bongo Congo.

I did this with soft pencil, drawing over various textures to get the detailed effects of the mask.
I only drew half, then made a copy and bookmatched it. I could never do this perfect symmetry.

Negative space image of tape work & pre-gloss coat on Gods of the Bongo Congo #3.
2016-04-03 01.02.24.jpg
I think this is actually number 2. Before peeling the tape.
After peeling the tape.
2016-04-05 00.29.26.jpg

The ol' flyin' Eyeball...

The different eyeball.

Monster High #2

#1 got trashed.

The Argyle Ocean


World’s worst board, The Deadly Trilobite
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in doing so i had to move some bits around and merge a few posts to make the continuity at least semi logical. If you notice anything is mildly skewed that would be my doing as it's the closest it could be rearranged
Thanks a million Captain.
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Not too long ago I use to do digital art!specificly NFT art! thats right the newly pormised realme of NFT millionaires bekoned and I went on my way!
Didnt take long before I saw what the NFT industry really was.... A huge Jack up of hype and advertising based on lies and false promise's of wealth and prosperity. it didnt matter how good your NFT art was it just wouldnt sell, you would see otherartist's claiming they sold this and that and made this much this quickly (Hogs Waddle) but in reality some of these piece's selling for $10k and up were absolute rubbish, A pixelated cartoon monkey @43k, a computer modified blurry bush and seat went for $200k not long ago....????
So after almost a year I saw what was going on, NFT's rely on the decentralised market (no policing, open slather,crooks n scams) your allowed to open unlimited accounts on this market and every single one is 1000% anonymous, no one knows who owns the accounts soo what some crooks been doing is buying thier own art for thousands and thereby inflating the price of their own work, the NFT now gets to live forever with a un-removeable lowest price point! what happens now is as the crypto market grows so does the NFT's value as its tied to a particular crypto currency. this is where the profits are promised but in reality you cant sell it because its now too highly priced fro someone to make a decent profit. its the classic case of 'buy this now and make tons later"
so I started making NFT's that were a bit different, Rather a stupid pic of pixelated junk I made running animations that actually entertained the recipient,
I always loved space and UFO's so I started there! all these NFT's have stereo quality sound so turn em up, most go for about 20 seconds with some longer ones up to 1m.
Here is the trailer I made up to advertise myself, at the time I was working for a bloke from Florida who was trying to develop a new crypto currency, I made the entire line of 20 and he blatantly tried to steal em all by asking me to send them all to him and he sells, I refused and 2 months later he robbed everyone!
some may have seen this on my YT channel

Just a fast pencil sketch I did for a skateboard which I never built.
It would have been #4 in Gods of the Bongo Congo.

I did this with soft pencil, drawing over various textures to get the detailed effects of the mask.
I only drew half, then made a copy and bookmatched it. I could never do this perfect symmetry.
View attachment 225135

Negative space image of tape work & pre-gloss coat on Gods of the Bongo Congo #4.
View attachment 225136
I think this is actually number three. Before peeling the tape.
View attachment 225142
After peeling the tape.
View attachment 225137

The ol' flyin' Eyeball...

The different eyeball.

Monster High #2

#1 got trashed.

The Argyle Ocean

World’s worst board, The Deadly Trilobite
To me these are in the Tiki style and they are wonderful Ulu!

One of my current favorite artists goes by "Shag." he is known for low brow art that centers on mid-century modern themes. Article on Shag His actual name is Joshua Agle.

Robert Jimenez is another who is in the more traditional Tiki vein. Robert Jimenez
Not too long ago I use to do digital art!specificly NFT art! thats right the newly pormised realme of NFT millionaires bekoned and I went on my way!
Didnt take long before I saw what the NFT industry really was.... A huge Jack up of hype and advertising based on lies and false promise's of wealth and prosperity. it didnt matter how good your NFT art was it just wouldnt sell, you would see otherartist's claiming they sold this and that and made this much this quickly (Hogs Waddle) but in reality some of these piece's selling for $10k and up were absolute rubbish, A pixelated cartoon monkey @43k, a computer modified blurry bush and seat went for $200k not long ago....????
So after almost a year I saw what was going on, NFT's rely on the decentralised market (no policing, open slather,crooks n scams) your allowed to open unlimited accounts on this market and every single one is 1000% anonymous, no one knows who owns the accounts soo what some crooks been doing is buying thier own art for thousands and thereby inflating the price of their own work, the NFT now gets to live forever with a un-removeable lowest price point! what happens now is as the crypto market grows so does the NFT's value as its tied to a particular crypto currency. this is where the profits are promised but in reality you cant sell it because its now too highly priced fro someone to make a decent profit. its the classic case of 'buy this now and make tons later"
so I started making NFT's that were a bit different, Rather a stupid pic of pixelated junk I made running animations that actually entertained the recipient,
I always loved space and UFO's so I started there! all these NFT's have stereo quality sound so turn em up, most go for about 20 seconds with some longer ones up to 1m.
Here is the trailer I made up to advertise myself, at the time I was working for a bloke from Florida who was trying to develop a new crypto currency, I made the entire line of 20 and he blatantly tried to steal em all by asking me to send them all to him and he sells, I refused and 2 months later he robbed everyone!
some may have seen this on my YT channel

I was looking into NFTs myself.. biggest issue I found was the “gas money”.. you know, a $35 NFT of a monkey and $125 to transfer to my wallet.
Another issue I see is screen shots,,. Because that’s all you need to have any NFT for free.
And lastly, even though you “own” this beautiful, one of a kind NFT, you cannot make any money with it. You don’t own the publishing rights to it, if you wanted to make posters or tee shirts and sell them, you can’t legally do that.

Anyway, I never pulled the trigger on them, I don’t really see the value unless, like you, you make your own.
Here’s an AI created art…I typed “ rat rod bicycle” and this is the result.
View attachment 225182
Ya hit the nail on the head there, Gas was a killer, in the end I was giving them away in the hope to raise a sale, I was asking like $25 on average, still couldnt sell em but everyone I gave away the recipient ranted and raved about how good they were...... ahhh well, I gave it a shot and picked up some pretty good photoshop n video editing skills, even the sounds on them are all mine, made the music and everything, to this day I still sit n watch them and am amazed that silly old me can make this! started from scratch too as in brought a new Mini mac computer $1800 and held off working while making these so im out of pocket quite a bit but as I said....Ahhhh well!
Heres a few of the better ones actually the last 3 that I made before pulling the pin and doing something I hoped i'd never do again like.....Find a Job LOL!
this NFT was from the kick back series and was themed at flying across the milky way in the "Son Of Kradus" My handle of course, which was an attack UFO found by the crew of the "Kradus" (a deep space recon ship), it was found on a remote world with the skeletons of the crew inside and around its camp, it had been there for yrs, crew records revealed the ship traveled through space way too fast and outflew its communication and positioning systems, the crew had no choice but to rest on a world and live out their days as they were completely lost in the galaxy.
it was a lot of fun making these and doing the music to suit!

This is the follow up from the above. the whole line is aimed at relaxing pleasantness and chilling people out hence called the "kick Back" series

This one is the very last one I made, This line is "Alien Worlds" and was gonna showcase various alien specie's throughout the milky way,
Ive been told that the very end scene on this NFT is actually quite creepy.... as in alien invasion of which we are constantly being reminded about as of late! Note the custom music, managed to get it right on this one!


That was pretty crazy! It’s amazing what you can do with limited amount of processing power and modern 3-D software.

Back in the early 2000s I was making levels for popular 3-D video games. I published them and turned them loose on the world, and then somewhere along the line my original copies were destroyed in a computer disaster.

The problem is I can’t remember the names under which I published the various levels, and I didn’t do it all at one time either.

All were done under the engine called BUILD or one called Devil.

This was way before the era of real 3-D, and we used to call it 2.5D. It involved the use of scripted sprites and texture mapped geometry.

The real difference between the two engines was how they addressed the concept of space. In one engine you basically tunneled into solid matter to create spaces that you decorated, and in the other you had to assemble things in a near infinite empty space.

The other thing that made it all 2.5 D is there was no 3D connection between some viewable spaces. When you went through a door from one space to another or from air to water, it was a “transporter” in the program structure.

I still have hardware that should be able to run that software and maybe I’ll get bored look for it again. But I’m not into gaming anymore. I did that back in the days when I was learning to build computer networks.
That was pretty crazy! It’s amazing what you can do with limited amount of processing power and modern 3-D software.

Back in the early 2000s I was making levels for popular 3-D video games. I published them and turned them loose on the world, and then somewhere along the line my original copies were destroyed in a computer disaster.

The problem is I can’t remember the names under which I published the various levels, and I didn’t do it all at one time either.

All were done under the engine called BUILD or one called Devil.

This was way before the era of real 3-D, and we used to call it 2.5D. It involved the use of scripted sprites and texture mapped geometry.

The real difference between the two engines was how they addressed the concept of space. In one engine you basically tunneled into solid matter to create spaces that you decorated, and in the other you had to assemble things in a near infinite empty space.

The other thing that made it all 2.5 D is there was no 3D connection between some viewable spaces. When you went through a door from one space to another or from air to water, it was a “transporter” in the program structure.

I still have hardware that should be able to run that software and maybe I’ll get bored look for it again. But I’m not into gaming anymore. I did that back in the days when I was learning to build computer networks.
Thats cool and like "ground up programming" as in from scratch, all my stuff was done on adobe, photoshop,After Effects and premier Pro, I use garage band on apple for the music, the UFO's were made on blender and the rendered vids brought across to after effects and <get this, went through 2 months of searching for a web site that allowed the use of sound effects in an NFT, Almost every company promised unlimited use except for NFT's as they had monetary growth aspects aligned....Pffttt, nonsense if ya ask me!
But YES, dig that old comp out, research your old work and download "Unreal Engine 5" and relive your game designing, you'll be amazed at how easy unreal engine is and its where its at for cash online! you can make projects on there and developers may see it and make an offer etc!! it does happen!
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My wife and I love art. Our house is filled with it. We like supporting local artists. Here are two pieces by Ricky Guerrero a local artist we know.

This is "Flower Cat" my personal favorite.


My wife's favorite. This is "Who is this moderation I should be drinking with?". It was hanging in a local bar we used to frequent. When I picked it up it was punk rock night. A guy with a mohawk approached me and said, "I like your bunny man!". I got real close to him and yelled, "Its a f.....g kangaroo!". We both started laughing.

We left the edges ragged. The mat is barn wood the frame redwood.
If somebody decides to paint a Rattfink on it I’m going to be upset.
To be clear, I never target private spaces or small businesses. I aim to reclaim what corporations have taken in the public space. Subversion of outdoor advertising is my favorite.

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