Fresh Motomag restoration

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Aug 24, 2010
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Picked these wheels up quite awhile ago. original coating was peeling up and had to go! After lots of paintstripper and a quick sandblast/ Hub rebuild / they are ready to ride!
They finally found a home on a mono shock build..........I think_

I have never seen a monoshock built up before and i got to say im very impressed.
I remember when these motomags were all the rage and yes they were used on a lot of 70's early 80's bmx racing bikes.
it looks like you brought them back to their glory quite well.
good job and good job on the monoshock.
I will be watching this one
looks great I love the monoshock bikes
I have a dan gurney mono great bike with mx 60 wheels
we don't get many monoshck bikes here in aust
cheers grantley
In the early '80's, there was a local bike shop that was putting those on every BMX they had for sale. Schwinn, Panda, Mongoose, it didn't matter. Most likely bumped up the price for Mom and Dad. None of the kids wanted them. Too heavy we thought. How are you going to have a chance in a longest wheelie contest with all that weight hanging on the forks? The hot ticket around here were Z-Rims. I think the mags are cool now. As many as there were around here, I would think I would see more of them at garage sales or flea markets. Someday I'll find a set, and still do the longest wheelie!
I got myself a pair:banana:
This is a great idea for a build.. I just need a Fastback Frame Jaxon! But one that is Rust and pit free so I can just Powder-coat it......
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In the early '80's, there was a local bike shop that was putting those on every BMX they had for sale. Schwinn, Panda, Mongoose, it didn't matter. Most likely bumped up the price for Mom and Dad. None of the kids wanted them. Too heavy we thought. How are you going to have a chance in a longest wheelie contest with all that weight hanging on the forks? The hot ticket around here were Z-Rims. I think the mags are cool now. As many as there were around here, I would think I would see more of them at garage sales or flea markets. Someday I'll find a set, and still do the longest wheelie!
z rims baby!!!!!! I forgot about those. I had a white pair and a yellow pair on my Schwinn scrambler. I don't think I could ever bend those things. man they were nice. lightweight and tough. I did manage to destroy one though jumping and landing to hard on the back wheel.
ahh memories no wonder I feel so old now.:headbang:
That first link to polished Motomags isnt a polished set at all... that's just a clean set.
I'm polishing mine, it's not THAT hard but its more time consuming than something that isn't all corners. If you sand them smooth, going finer until you're on steel wool, then buff them with polishing rouge on a buffing wheel where you can and smaller wheels, little pointy ones etc. in the tighter areas, they look fantastic!

I remember them when they were new, they were the coolest wheel but they sucked to race on, too heavy. They were "poser" wheels.
But I wanted a set real bad! Now I have 'em and wouldn't trade for any other... but now I don't race.

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