The Silver Surfer - FINISHED! (BOTEN)

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Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
The only bike frame I have available to do something with is this bratz bike I picked up in near mint condition for $25 bucks a couple years ago. I've been slowly stripping parts off it for other projects and now it's time to get it rolling again. When I lived in San Diego, I lived close enough to the beach that we hauled our surfboards around on our bikes. Now I'm living on the Gulf Coast where I have 26 miles of boardwalk along the beaches. Time to build a new surfboard hauler.

I'll be painting everything on this bike a titanium silver. The frame, wheels, spokes, anything chrome will be painted too. I'm going to add an accent color of red, seat, pedals, tires and hand grips. The surfboard will be painted Titanium silver with a red metal flake accent. I'm actually planning on finishing my bike this year so I'm not going crazy with it. Simple and rideable.

Neat if you could incorporate this image for your head badge and surf board.
Minus the script of course. I have this CD. Joe is cool!
Glad you entered into the crazy build of fun...
Reminds me of my Muscle bike build-off Good Vibrations.
Hope to see ya at the finish line.
Silver Surfer always makes me think of Doolittle from the the movie Dark Star- surfing on a piece of debris down to the planets' surface. If you haven't seen it, it's a good weird movie.
I have 3 months to build this bike. And since I'm not going crazy on it I'll be taking my time. All I did this weekend was strip half of the bike of paint. I'll get to the other half maybe tonight, but probably not. It does look good in bare metal and I would love to keep it that way but I need to paint it so everything silver matches.

I'm thinking about printing the head badge on a clear sticker so the silver of the bike comes thru.
Be pretty cool in bare metal too, it's kind of silver right? ;)

I would do the whole bike in bare metal but I'd have to strip all the chrome from the springer, wheels, spokes, ect. and I have no way of doing that. That's why I'm painting everything a titanium silver so it all matches.

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