What's your motivation?

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The Renaissance Man

__CERTIFIED DIVER__ (Open Water & Open Dumpster)
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Nov 24, 2012
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The Tropics of Alabama
I've been thinking about this since I decided a few weeks ago to jump in on the build-off. What I realized is that my motivation has been very different each time I've been in one.

The last build-off for me was the 2015 WBO and my motivation was to use the deadline to get a bike built that otherwise would still be just an idea. That worked out well to get it done and it also turned out to be very fun to build. I had intended to build it to flip but wound up liking it too much to sell right away. Now my son likes riding it so I guess I'll keep it!

The bike before that was in last year's build-off nine (BONINE). I was motivated by completely different things even though the deadline did play into how I had to push myself. For that one my motivation was simply to build the coolest bike that I could to try to win the competition. Trying to win it was motivated by my desire to promote the convertible tanks that I would be selling after the competition ended. What better way to make people aware of converting their own Spaceliner bikes than having mine end up at the top of the vote?

My first build-off bike (build-off 8) was motivated by the challenge. I wanted to see if I could 'up size' a 20" kids bike into a fun adult size bike. Unfortunately that one never got finished. I used the one do-over rule and built a completely different bike to finish build-off 8. Once again the motivation was different. for that one I wanted to build a board track style bike just because I liked the look and wanted one!

As satisfied as I have been with my efforts each time I soon realized that these bikes were not getting used as daily riders. The main reason for this is the comfort (or lack of comfort) for any normal riding. I always use the analogy of womens shoes; they don't have to be comfortable, they just have to look good! Don't get me wrong, those bikes are a blast to ride, but only in certain situations. But definitely not on long rides like riding to work etc.etc.

Enter this years motivation: build a cool bike that I will choose to ride on any given day! I'm hoping that my next build will be equally fit for commuting as it is for taking to cruise-ins and shows. I'm also motivated to build it with the most basic tools and parts. Something that does not require any specialized work like welding or fabricating one-off parts. I don't plan to spend that many hours on building this one!

The build-off as usual will provide the deadline and motivation to stay the course till it's done. And if it does well in the voting, that's just a bonus!

So, what's your motivation?
In a nutshell, I'm bored. I am back in a former (very small) home town and I need something to do. When you, Mr. Henderson, posted about your genderbender tanks a few months ago I thought right away about that un-saleable ladies spaceliner under my porch. Too nice to scrap, not worth fixing up to sell, BUT I ended up back here for a few months and now I have a project other than pruning trees and drywall. Keeps me off the streets and out of the pool hall and in the end I will have a rideable bike I like! Idle hands are the devils workshop as some say...
This is my fifth build off and I don't think my motivation has changed much from "BEER RUN" in BO6.
In a nutshell, I just want to
  • build the coolest bike I can
  • have fun doing it
  • enjoy all of the camaraderie and creative knowledge share that comes from following and supporting my fellow build off brothers and sisters.
It is still a competition, and while that does drive me to try and build a bike that can hold it's own with the rest of y'all, it is not my main goal for any of my builds.
My motivations have altered from my first build off, but have remained steadfast since then. My first one (BO08) was mostly about seeing how well I could do in the competition. I ended up with a cool bike, but one I never rode.

Since then, it's been about whichever build idea I was going to execute anyway, and just enjoying the synchronicity that comes from building in a group setting. Don't get me wrong, I would like to place high in the competition, but it's no longer my motivation.
Back in BO #5, I built a 20" banana bike a Roth-inspired rat bike that represented the bike that I wanted back in my earliest days of bike ownership. My goal was to build something that wasn't pointed at the top spot, but was worthy of some respect and recognition from my fellow competitors.
The following year, I built an aluminum-framed klunk with crazy showrod-inspired touches. It was meant to stretch both my own creativity, and to challenge some of the preconceptions of several builders on the site, who seem to be stuck on vintage American steel as the only acceptable source for a "real" rat rod bicycle.
Then I took a break from building build-off bikes, got divorced, and moved into an apartment without a garage.
I've built a few other bikes since, using workspace at of friends and family for a few hours at a time on the odd weekend, and sitting at my kitchen table, filing, polishing and pinstriping.
So now, I'm back for another round. Trying to build a bike that I can actually ride - at the beach, in the hills, on cycle paths and dirt trails. Gears, brakes, and a riding position that I can maintain for thirty miles or more at a shot.
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Motivation is a complicated one for me...

As most of you know by now I have some health issues, if I don't maintain an interest in something, I will just sit and do nothing because that way I wont suffer the extra pain and fatigue that come from doing stuff.
But being a person that just sits around the house all day is not who I want to be, I go crazy, depressed and demented fairly quickly, so I need a project to focus on, something to achieve, something that holds my interest.

There are still plenty of days where I cant actually "do" anything, so those days I spend thinking about how to do things, how to achieve something that maybe has not been seen before, maybe things that just need to be tried because that is the only way to be sure if they will work or not, that is why my good bikes are a bit crazy and out there, as they gather up a lot of my downtime thoughts in to one place, without the build-off to compete in, these bikes would never get finished, as while building I have more thoughts that I want to try and so just move on to the next project.

Those who have been around for a while might remember my first build on the site, it started out as a big dual single sided square tube cruiser that morphed into a '59 Cadillac build, then changed to "FatBob" then I planned more changes and eventually the whole bike and idea just flopped, I had no deadline and no final direction...

-The build-off deadline makes me finish the project, see it through and not get distracted.
-Being part of something bigger, with so many others building at the same time is awesome.
-Receiving votes from other members is icing on the cake, a justification of the work, time, money and pain involved!


Edit: Sorry for the long post!
For me it's a few different things, like the Renaissance Man said the dead line will help keep me motivated and on task but I guess my real motivation is to be a part of this community and get to know more of you.

I first found this site by accident 2 years ago when looking for an adult big wheel, despite the fact that I have been into fabrication and metal work for over 20 years on everything from Nitro powered remote controlled trucks to four-wheelers to cars and trucks I have never thought about building my own big wheel. I stumbled on this site at the beginning of BO8, I have been hooked ever sense!

The first build I followed was Luke's Big Jim, it's was fun to watch and helped me realize my crazy ideas for an adult big wheel with car tiers were not that crazy. I love watching everyone's builds and seeing the creativity and being a part of it all.
Motivation is something I have very little of lately so the build offs give me a reason to do something with all bike stuff I have collected (read hoarded) over the years and in the end I have the satisfaction of knowing there is a little bit of history that did not make it to the scrap yard !
The bonus is following along with all the other builders and bike trends from around the world, too cool !
my motivation is simple this year..build myself a bike that is comfortable and easy to ride, and also looks great. my first bo last year, I built a parade bike, it was so heavy, I couldn't ride it comfortably. looked cool to me, gathered a lot of attention, but was just not a daily rider. this years "kwiksilver" will be.
I use the builds to be motivated and have fun.
I have a problem just sitting around my brain works overtime all the time.
I have a addiction for wheels,and enjoy most styles of bikes out there.
Build-off 7
-was my first build-off ,I just wanted to be part of group who enjoyed bikes like myself.
At the time I liked Cafe Racers so '67' was the build.And didn't have many frames or parts at the time,so the idea was to build a bike from what junk I had.
Grabbing 26th place - I was happy being a girl in a boys world.
Build-off 8
I was motivated by a fantasy limo style build.Also was very skull inspired. As it was the first year for the anything goes section.I could go crazy on design.And I did.
7th place - and started feeling part of the group.
Build-off 9
I love old things,sidecars motorized bikes.So I wanted to step back in time with 'Blue Arrow and Minnehaha'
This build was featured around the torpedo tank to start with then came across a Arrow motorcycle pic that was just to cool.So I went with it.
2nd place - now I'm rolling with the big boys and have made some great connections with other builders.10354177_10152390796899811_202685285721758129_n.jpg
Winter Build-off 2015
First winter build,I just wanted to finish my dream bike,that had been in storage for 2 years.So the motivation was just get it done. And it happened.With a lot of support from fellow builders.
1st place - Now where do I go from here?
Build-off 10
Love the vending bikes,so I am motivated that I could make a few to sell,to pay for my addiction.And I have to many wheels laying around.So time to make space and use them up.
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I use the builds to be motivated and have fun.
I have a problem just sitting around my brain works overtime all the time.
I have a addiction for wheels,and enjoy most styles of bikes out there.
Build-off 7
-was my first build-off ,I just wanted to be part of group who enjoyed bikes like myself.
At the time I liked Cafe Racers so '67' was the build.And didn't have many frames or parts at the time,so the idea was to build a bike from what junk I had.
Grabbing 26th place - I was happy being a girl in a boys world.
View attachment 10049
Build-off 8
I was motivated by a fantasy limo style build.Also was very skull inspired. As it was the first year for the anything goes section.I could go crazy on design.And I did.
7th place - and started feeling part of the group.
View attachment 10050
Build-off 9
I love old things,sidecars motorized bikes.So I wanted to step back in time with 'Blue Arrow and Minnehaha'
This build was featured around the torpedo tank to start with then came across a Arrow motorcycle pic that was just to cool.So I went with it.
2nd place - now I'm rolling with the big boys and have made some great connections with other builders.View attachment 10051
Winter Build-off 2015
First winter build,I just wanted to finish my dream bike,that had been in storage for 2 years.So the motivation was just get it done. And it happened.With a lot of support from fellow builders.
1st place - Now where do I go from here?
View attachment 10052
Build-off 10
Love the vending bikes,so I am motivated that I could make a few to sell,to pay for my addiction.

I remember following your skull bike build as well as big Jim when I first started in here, I loved the unique style of your build [emoji6]
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Right now I have none :eek:. On top of my day job as a high school teacher, I have just played 4 gigs in 3 days, and have 6 gigs next week. I won't be thinking about, looking at or touching my bike for at least 2 weeks :(.

I'd just got home from a gig when I initially posted this and was in desperate need of sleep. In my home town at the moment, a national/international triennial beef expo (BEEF 2015) is happening, so the town is overflowing with visitors for a couple of weeks. There are gigs aplenty, so I have take advantage of that.
The main motivation for me is simple...........to actually finish a bike by a deadline. Otherwise there would be half finished builds everywhere in my shop/storage unit.
I'd just got home from a gig when I initially posted this and was in desperate need of sleep. In my home town at the moment, a national/international triennial beef expo (BEEF 2015) is happening, so the town is overflowing with visitors for a couple of weeks. There are gigs aplenty, so I have take advantage of that.
The main motivation for me is simple...........to actually finish a bike by a deadline. Otherwise there would be half finished builds everywhere in my shop/storage unit.
I can understand about the gigs! I had three this past weekend. One Friday night that kept me from hitting the bed until 3am and then two yesterday during the day. Because of that, my entire day yesterday was gone and it was perfect weather also!:(
My motivation... Well I would start by saying this is my first build off compilation . & have been a member of RRB for only a short time . Some of my motivation would be all you other bike builders , you guys have been a inspiration and have inspired me to do something I love to do . Work with my hands, ride bikes & build bikes. I've had a love for bikes since I was old enough to ride one . But never took the time or money to build something really nice & customize until a few years ago, ya I would take them apart & replace parts & stuff .Now that I have a little bit of money ( not really) 43 years of life lessons & have my own remodel business. I figured why not get serious & have some good clean fun & get involved with something I have had a passion about my who life , bicycles.!!!! And can't think of a better site then RRB and with so many other people with the same interests . It's all about the fun , the challenge & o ya the deadline....... So let's build some cool bikes !!!! Getter done and ride a wheelie to the finish line .

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I originally found this site because I picked up an old Hawthorne at a garage sale and was trying to ID it, and after reading a dozen threads I was hooked. Steve, thank you for RatRodBikes. This is something that I dabbled in and on since I was a kid. I can't leave anything alone either. All my guitars and amps are modded, I detail or redecorate, re-imagine and rebuild furniture from old cabinetry, doors and windows. I build stompboxes for guitars. I've shelved it for a while but I'm also a model railroader, and I have a lot of HO some N and some O tinplate. I just make things. It's one of the things that I do to keep my mind and hands busy. I'm a musician, an ok graphic artist, an old school carpenter who also works with my oldest son remodeling kitchens and bathrooms and building decks from designs I've drawn, never just a square deck (anyone can do that) and I started out as a factory electrician... so I'm a HammerJack, a Jack of All Trades, and if I haven't or don't know how to do something, I'm fairly Google savvy. My motivation is acceptance from this world-wide community and validation from my peers, and I just plain like to ride and have gotten a big kick out of cruising thru a local car show or outdoor concerts on one of my bikes.

Hey gowjobs, that muscle bike you did in #5 got my vote! Things started to swing in a direction that I wasn't into(more into stuff that served no purpose and just built to try to win, not ride), but to each their own. That one was true (in my opinion)to what the build offs were about.
I still love that bike to this day.
Not sure if I'll try to join in this one, but I have a bunch of frames hanging on the walls. I also have a bunch of drawings of frames that I want to make.
Who knows.

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