What's your motivation?

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Can't find the time this year. Wish I could. Daughter on the way. Lots to do before she's here. :-(

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Congrats and good luck on a MUCH more important build off! I am sure she will be a very cool and sweet one off custom with nothing ratty about her at all. Still gonna miss you in the build off.
Love bikes is my motivation was and would be doing this
regardless, my wife thinks I have a disease! I agree with
her, grew up in a small-ish city in New Zealand, Christchurch,
where the was a terrible earthquake a while back. This city
is very flat hence Bicycles or push bikes, we sometimes call
them where big where I grew up.

Now live on a small island where there are more bicycles
than people! Lucky for me no one else is into cutting them
up or collecting them.

This is therefore where I get some great motivation, get to
share with like minded people, you folk, just a great forum,
friendly, helpful and encouraging. Just blown away from some
of the bikes on here, this BO looks like it will be huge!

Thanks folks great stuff!

PS. Finally must admit and here comes the ego, I love it when
a person asks me where I buy my bikes and I get to tell them
I made the beast, ego boost or what!
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The RM asks a good question. It seems the focus on BO bikes is not so much on performance or parts lists, but on something else. Form over function seems to dominate the entries. My motivation is form follows function. A high-quality parts list hung on a dead-straight frame and fork with low miles then pieced together creates a Killer Rat Rider that will look great just because of the unusual parts list. The litmus test is a bicycle that you can't imagine selling, but instead ride as much as possible, and not where it places in the voting. I am looking forward to seeing your vision of a "rider" and know it is gonna be good!!!
Luke-The China Study by Colin Campbell is a must read if you are having health issues. Very informative...
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IF I enter the buildoff, I'll mostly be motivated by a drive to try something new that i've been talking about, thinking about, and half-hearted planning for years. I want to build a frame from scratch, and I might have found facilities that will allow me to do so. So, if that pans out (still waiting for a tour), I'll be building-off mostly as a means to jump-start a frame-building hobby...

For now, all I've been doing is net.window-shopping for tubing, playing around on bikecad, and designing some tasteless decals on google docs....
Hey gowjobs, that muscle bike you did in #5 got my vote! Things started to swing in a direction that I wasn't into(more into stuff that served no purpose and just built to try to win, not ride), but to each their own. That one was true (in my opinion)to what the build offs were about.
I still love that bike to this day.
Not sure if I'll try to join in this one, but I have a bunch of frames hanging on the walls. I also have a bunch of drawings of frames that I want to make.
Who knows.
Thanks! I'm with you on the bikes that I like to see in the build-off. As much as I respect some of the design and fabrication that goes on with the over-the-top builds, when it's voting time, my first choices are builds that I would like to own and ride.
My motivation is my wife,she's been telling me for some time "when you have your bike shop". Well, I don't have a shop but we have been fortunate enough to buy a house and I now have my very own 2 car garage. The reason for the Artemis Gordon theme is because she likes the character and she finds steampunk interesting. I'm not planning necessarily on a steampunk bike,rather more of what would Artie ride if he rode a bicycle. There will be some steampunk style,I'm not sure how it will turn out or if it will get finished. I'm not out to win place or show,just wanna make something in my brain come to life.
I love a challenge. High school, trade school, military service, college, family, teaching, architectural detailing and specifying to list a few. I got hooked on bikes while still working. Being retired the build off fills a need to be creative and my garage.
The bicycle although a simple machine has so many variations, you can't have just one. I also look at bikes as art and a form of individual expression. They all have a need to be personalized thus stems the Rat Rod Bikes Build Off. Need to get to it. Good luck with yours.

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Oh yeah...and try not to take it too seriously....we're grown men and women playing with bicycles. :21:[/QUOTE]
I play with toys, but I build bikes.:crazy::21:
My main motivation is lack of time. I work full-time, I am in school full-time, and I have a wife and two beautiful daughters. That doesn't leave me much time to do what i love...and i LOVE picking up bikes that people pass up and turn them into something that I can turn heads with.

I haven't really met anybody in my area that is into this hobby, so the build off also lets me feel like I am a part of something. I love seeing what other people are doing and getting feedback on my ideas.

This site has done many positive things for me. I have met some great people, pushed my creativity further than I thought I could, and actually motivated my return to school to get a degree in mechanical engineering.

BONINE was my first build off. I followed the competition, but almost didn't even participate. We were pretty broke last summer and i had a lot of irons in the fire. I started a bike with like 8 days left in the competition. I just wanted to build at least one bike last summer. I had it entered when it looked like I might actually finish in time...I never imagined I would finish, let alone place in the top 30 bikes! I got some amazing positive feedback on my work. I can't believe how supportive this community is.

This year, I am hoping to show what I can do with the whole amount of time, although I don't necessarily care where I place...I get an awesome bike out of it no matter how it shakes out!
This site has done many positive things for me. I have met some great people, pushed my creativity further than I thought I could, and actually motivated my return to school to get a degree in mechanical engineering.

That's awesome! :cool2:
When I was younger us kids in the neighborhood were outside playing all of the time... we all had bikes. Some were newer and nicer. Some kid at school got a Schwinn Krate. It was cool, way cooler than what a lot of us were riding. I got few new bikes and some were hand me down bikes from my brothers.
My friends and I put together a bike shop in my garage and we would get bikes from the trash and even go to the local scrap yard and buy bikes, parts and pieces and we would build what ever we could think up. We had at one time 43 bicycles of all different sorts. We discovered how to mix the parts and learned the mechanics of bicycles. There were no aftermarket custom parts made like there are now. The Schwinn Dealer had some add-on parts but they cost money and if we wanted them bad enough we had to earn the money to buy them. We cut grass and earned the money to get these cool parts.
Fast forward 35 years and now aftermarket parts and reproduction parts are plentiful and yeah you gotta put up some money as well to get what you want or barter/trade for them.
So, the bottom line for me is I have always loved bikes. I have some disposable cash to afford my hobby and I can build the bikes the way I want and I get a lot of enjoyment out of this. Reliving those days is awesome and if I can share in my hobby with everyone here then that is extraordinary as is the RRB forum itself. It is like all of my new friends are building bikes together... again.:thumbsup:
Motivation accomplished. Ninja mode deactivated.