Kotton Kandy Kroozer

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Well, my afternoon childcare canceled, I def. didn't get a bo frame, but it was a productive morning anyways. I went to my friend's house, the VZ vault, to pick up some of my stuff and look around. I also brought with me a severely dinged wheel off my #1 rider, for him to true.

I picked up these frames to sell to the fixie crowd, and to rob a gold fork for my super wicked awesome sleeper 1976 AMF Roadmaster Elite (made by Bridgestone!) It has a mix of aluminum and steel tubing. Wicked cool bike that you'd never look twice at.

So shop time was over, and I brought my friend to the lbs where he works, and got my wheel done (hes a magician), AND some shop take offs. Nobody there wants cruiser stuff or broken parts, so in I swoops suckas.


I spied some rat bait at the Vault, but my car was full. I plan on trying a couple things with what I have here on my bo bike this afternoon.

I really appricate the crowd participation. It keeps me very motivated!

And the vac. When i spied this rockateer mask in the trash, i hoped i knew what i was looking at, and I was right.



Holy Hidey Hole Batman!

I dont know how to open this shell up, but i sure would like to.

Ready to not like what you see?

I got one hour to work on bikes last week. Foolishly ugly.
Thursday, after getting up at 530 and doing daddy duty all day, getting the kids to bed by 8, chores and wife to bed at 11, I started stumbling around my work space, and accidentally did this. I will be undoing this shortly. Perhaps a schuffy is in order.


Note the deco bits off the electrolux.

The light I work by. Discarded fixture + vacuum cleaner cord.

Close up of parts follow. Im pretty into this wheelset. Anyone have a cool 23x2.00 tire? How about a schwinn s-5 while we're at it?



I read a post not too long ago warning people agsinst sticking your finger in holes, well wasn't I pleasantly surprised when these flaps yielded under my finger.



love it! I'm feeling somehow that rocketman helmet vibe and pedestrian slicer fender part are gonna mesh.
Thank you FS, youve got me thinking. I was drooling over kingfish's loop tail boten bike just now too. I think this thing is gonna be fun to look at if nothing else. .... you had me at pedestrian slicer...
So, i quit my job to be full time dad, school got out and guess what? Full time job taking care of these kiddos!

This is the frame I had in mind. its pretty crusty. I like it. The bars came of a 20" girls cranbrook. I like them too. I didnt like the chainring, then i brushed against it with my knuckles, and the quality is stunning. 52t. I like it too. Ideas are starting to come together. Much hinges on weather or not I can sneak a can of pb blaster into the grocery cart.


I dont know anything about the frame / fork / chainring.
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Just a dozen or so posts from the bottom, its time to address this. Ive had to change shops twice since starting the bo. Now my bo bike resides at the head of my driveway, and everyday i look at this a think.. why do i need a vacuum on my bike? I know how im going to repurpose the vac, but it doesnt jive right with these bits imo.
Using a lot of these bits would exclude me, in my mind, from being able to enter the klunker bo, which was my inital purpose for a lot of these parts! This is my only yellow band, and only drum. I find my parts exclusively through happenstance these days, never, never online. So im going to call this a pile of parts for my klunker bo.

On to my replacement bike. Ive got a bunch of projects going. I looked around for the most rat roddy bike, which also has any kind of deadline, and i figured i should get this going before my daughter outgrows it, because thats what 5 year olds do!

The baby bomber(?)

16" murray from the 80s(?) which ive started to marry together with a new harley branded moto styled bike. It needs to come all the way down, it will get paint, then ill put it back together with the little one helping.




Ive been pretty inspired by crash's fairlady, the general lee, and all the other recent family builds.

Ill post current pics in the am, and ill be needing some feedback!! ive got bigtime bar and seat questions.
So, i quit my job to be full time dad, school got out and guess what? Full time job taking care of these kiddos!

This is the frame I had in mind. its pretty crusty. I like it. The bars came of a 20" girls cranbrook. I like them too. I didnt like the chainring, then i brushed against it with my knuckles, and the quality is stunning. 52t. I like it too. Ideas are starting to come together. Much hinges on weather or not I can sneak a can of pb blaster into the grocery cart.


I dont know anything about the frame / fork / chainring.
That triple tree fork is interesting,looks like an inverted moped fork.
This is how the baby bomber looks today when i pulled it from dank and dirty basement storage. I knew i had taken the fork off the harley bike, but i was shocked to find it functionality fit to the murray frame. Strange happenings in the depths of winter i guess. Bikemacher elves? Also the wheels? Im supprised my dog didnt wire up the speedo for me.




As promised, i need input! What kinda bar and seat set up do you all think i should go with? Id choose clip ons, but this has to have little kid rider geo.
Oh, and these frame decals are cooked on hard. Any quick and easy and magical techniques for removing them? Im keeping as much og paint as possible.
A lay back seat post with some medium apes would look awesome! May also allow for her to grow a bit before it gets too small...

Luke, i agree. Looking at the bike, that space over the tire is where the seat should go, my concern is, will she be able peddle well? Same with the apes, i was thinking swoopback bars. Same concern. Shes strong like a s'getti noodle
I gotta get the paint on before she outgrows it!!



This was a great learning experience for me. I tried all sorts of tools and abrasives at my dads shop to strip the frame. Brass wheel on a cordless drill, finish quickly with 220 grit and i was happy. I consider this paintjob to be terminal anyways.

So i explain to the kid that were gonna dress the bike. The metalic silver is the underpants, the colors will be the clothes. I have some flat colors to work with, which is good because im letting her paint it. I found this plastic spraycan trigger adapter, it seems like it will work for her. leverage! Makes me think of early moto style mtb brake levers :)

Anyway, i plan on doing some masking and candy color at the end, then comes the


She wants lots of "sparkle". I plan on putting down high gloss clear, letting her sprinkle craft glitter all over it, clear, clear, glitter, rinse lather repeat.

Anyone have a better idea for sparkle? Gotta be cheap.
Banana seats work great for kids. They can scoot back to pedal and still be able to put their feet down easily. You've got a great klunker look going now though.

You can make any paint job look great with enough clear..:p

I'm gonna have to get me a wire wheel. Looks like that does a great job for the paint strip.
I gotta get the paint on before she outgrows it!!



This was a great learning experience for me. I tried all sorts of tools and abrasives at my dads shop to strip the frame. Brass wheel on a cordless drill, finish quickly with 220 grit and i was happy. I consider this paintjob to be terminal anyways.

So i explain to the kid that were gonna dress the bike. The metalic silver is the underpants, the colors will be the clothes. I have some flat colors to work with, which is good because im letting her paint it. I found this plastic spraycan trigger adapter, it seems like it will work for her. leverage! Makes me think of early moto style mtb brake levers :)

Anyway, i plan on doing some masking and candy color at the end, then comes the


She wants lots of "sparkle". I plan on putting down high gloss clear, letting her sprinkle craft glitter all over it, clear, clear, glitter, rinse lather repeat.

Anyone have a better idea for sparkle? Gotta be cheap.
I've mentioned it before,and I'm gonna try to post pics of my moped today. But you can buy rattle can glitter at home improvement store where spray paint is sold. It's just glitter suspended in a clear. Doesn't come in fancy colors,but I've seen red,green,blue,purple,pink,silver and gold. You could also try the sparkle clear coat that sells at auto parts stores. Either way it's about $5 a can.
This is the stuff I was talking about.


It's cheap easy flake style paint. I posted some close up pics of my moped on KingFish's VerBoten page to show what it looks like.

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