(MBBO#4 Class 1) B4C Builds Breakdown Beatnik!

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Dec 29, 2009
Reaction score
Greenville, NC USA
Yep, I'm throwing another log on the fire, Daddios!!

Back in March, I picked up this bike at the Cabin Fever Bike Swap in Eden, NC...for $7!!! (Less the ammo boxes, just brainstorming there!)


I've always wanted to build a bike that I could ride at car shows and carry my pinstriping supplies. And since I've been collecting muscle bike bits and bobs, I though it only fitting to build it in the muscle bike theme...kind of a muscle custom.

The frame will remain completely stock ( other than color) and I'll hit it hard with a sixties-themed beatnik style!!

Had it blasted and sent it to Outlawalice for a eye-piercing powder coat...


They call it "Shocker Yellow", but it's really a blend of Rat Fink Green and Anti-Freeze Green, only better...


The red ladies Spaceliner in the background is mine as well. It's a future build for my wifey!


This is how it looked this evening as I pulled it down from its previous waiting perch...


More to come....stay tuned, Hep Cats!!!

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Thought this might be helpful during this build...

Beatnik Glossary

Actor- Show-off

Agitate the Gravel- To leave

Are you writing a book?- You're asking too many questions

Baby- Cute girl, term of address for either sex

Back seat bingo- Necking in a car

Bad news- Depressing person

Bent eight- a V-8 engine (hot-rodders)

Big Daddy- An older person

Big tickle- Really funny

Bit- An act

Blast- A good time

Blow off- To defeat in a race (hot-rodders)

Bobbed- Shortened

Boss- Great

Bread- Money

Burn rubber- To accelerate hard and fast (hot-rodders)

Cast an eyeball- To look

Cat- A hip person (Beats)

Chariot- Car (Beats)

Chrome-plated- Dressed up (hot-rodders, originally)

Circled- Married

Classy chassis- Great body

Cloud 9- Really happy

Clutched- Rejected

Clyde- Term of address, usually for a normal person (Beats)

Cook, cookin'- Doing it well

Cool it- Relax, settle down

Cooties- Imaginary infestations of the truly un-cool

Cranked- Excited (Beats)

Crazy "Like crazy,man"- Implies an especially good thing

Cream- Originally, to dent a car. Later, to badly damage

Cruisin' for a bruisin'- Looking for trouble

Cube- A normal person

Cut the gas- Be quiet!

Cut out- Leave

Daddy-O- Term of address (Beats)

Dibs- A claim - as in "got dibs" on that seat

Dig- To understand; to approve

Dolly- Cute girl

Don't have a cow- Don't get so excited

Earthbound- Reliable

Epistle- Letter

Eyeball- Look around

Fake Out- A bad date

Fast- Someone who was sexually active

Fat City- A great thing or place; Happy

Flat out- Fast as you can

Flat-top- Men's hairstyle. A crewcut which is flat across the top

Flick- A movie

Flip- To get very excited

Floor it- Push the accelerator to the floor

Fracture- To amuse

Fream- Someone who doesn't fit in

Frosted- Angry

Get Bent!- Disparaging remark as in "drop dead"

Get with it- Understand

Gig- Work, job

Go ape- Get very excited

Goof- Someone who makes mistakes

Goopy- Messy

Greaser- A guy with tons of grease in his hair

Grody- Sloppy, messy or dirty

Hang- As in "hang out" which means to do very little

Haul a**- Drive very fast

Heat- Police

Hip- Someone who is cool, in the know. Very good.

Hipster- Same as above

Horn- Telephone

Hottie- A very fast car (hot-rodders)

Illuminations- Good ideas, thoughts

In orbit- In the know

Ivy Leaguer- Pants style. Also any person who attended an Ivy League college

Jacked Up- Car with raised rear end.

Jacketed- Going steady.

Jets- Smarts, brains

Kick- A fun or good thing; Also, a fad

Kill- To really impress

Knuckle sandwich- A fist in the face

Kookie- Nuts, in the nicest possible was

Lay a patch- To accelerate so rapidly that you leave a patch of rubber on the road.

Lay on- To give (Beats)

Machine- A car (hot-rodders)

Made in the shade- Success guaranteed

Make out- A kissing session

Make the scene- To attend an event or activity

Nerd- Same as now. Bill Gates without the money.

Nod- Drift off to sleep

No sweat- No problem

Nuggets- Loose change

Odd ball- Someone a bit off the norm

On the stick- Pulled together. Bright, prepared...

Pad- Home

Paper shaker- Cheerleader or Pom Pom girl

Party pooper- No fun at all

Passion Pit- Drive-in movie theatre

Peepers- Glasses

Pile up Z's- Get some sleep

Pound- Beat up

Radioactive- Very popular

Rap- To tattle on someone (Beats)

Rattle your cage- Get upset

Raunchy- Messy or gross in some other way

Razz my berries- Excite or impress me

Real gone- Very much in love. Also unstable. Hmm, there's a difference?

Rock- A diamond

Scream- Go fast

Shoot low- Be careful

Shot down- Failed

Sing- To tattle or inform on some
Shocker yellow looks awesome !!! I have a bike with that color mine is over chrome . Yours is over metallic silver I like the metal flake in yours . Prismatic powder has so many colors it stars to blow your mind . You can order direct from them if you want . I just ordered some powder today for my bike , Mr Meaner .

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Ok, cats & kittens, here's where the Beatnik is at the moment!



Obviously it's just a mock-up, no headset installed. The "Hot Wheels" look is making me think this might be a good idea...


...and recover this...


So, with same-size tires, will the wheel steering and nanner seat be enough to make this a Class 1 Build-Off bike?

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Man, l dig this build! It's easy to see that you got it made in the shade on this one! Before you go ape and go crazy, I'd check with the powers that be (@LukeTheJoker ) to make sure it's cool. I'd hate to see you get clutched after this great start, dig? (btw, from now on I will only use words from your Beatnik Lingo list to comment on this build...!)
Ok, cats & kittens, here's where the Beatnik is at the moment!



Obviously it's just a mock-up, no headset installed. The "Hot Wheels" look is making me think this might be a good idea...


...and recover this...


So, with same-size tires, will the wheel steering and nanner seat be enough to make this a Class 1 Build-Off bike?

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Man, like that's really cookin'! It doesn't take jets to see you've got it made in the shade on this one! Don't get frosted, but I would check with the powers that be (@LukeTheJoker about that before you go ape on it. Don't want you to get clutched in the midst of this build we are completely diggin'! (btw, from now on I only use lingo from your Beatnik list to comment on this post, dig?)
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...and recover this...


So, with same-size tires, will the wheel steering and nanner seat be enough to make this a Class 1 Build-Off bike?
All good by me!
As far as I am concerned they are guidelines to the idea and feel of a muscle bike:
Ape hangers, super duper long stems with mid bars, steering wheels are all good and equal!
Banana seats, solo polo's, skateboard seats etc. are all good and equal!

Looking forward to seeing this!


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