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    • axeman88
      axeman88 replied to the thread DIY brick patching.
      I think spalling is generally a result of moisture, penetrating into the bricks. When there is a freeze cycle, the expansion of the...
    • axeman88
      axeman88 replied to the thread I need current.
      Two years working on a system with three wires, and it's still not working, would normally lead any ordinary person to suspect that they...
    • axeman88
      axeman88 replied to the thread I need current.
      No new information was provided, so the situation, and advice, remains unchanged. Blue / Red / Black or Blue / White / Black seem...
    • axeman88
      axeman88 replied to the thread I need current.
      If it's Blue / Red / Black, from the engine, did you get a wiring diagram with the engine? Can you post that diagram, or mark up Capt...
    • axeman88
      axeman88 replied to the thread I need current.
      I have an engine kit I bought a while ago, but, I haven't gotten to it yet, so no specific expertise, .... but I do have some skill at...
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