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  1. Starnger

    Let's see your Cleveland Welding bicycles!

    I absolutely love this bike! However i believe it is not CWC built :) And seemingly not Murray either, though guard and fork are Murray. I would guess it is Snyder built?
  2. Starnger

    Project "Firebolt" life after BO

    It is hard for me to express how much i am happy with finally having it! I even had this long forgotten feeling when i want to ride my bike just for the sake of riding, not for any particular destination. There are surely many details i have forgot to mention, but i will just share a few more...
  3. Starnger

    Project "Firebolt" life after BO

    Hi everyone! It has been a while since i last wrote here :) But the good news are - the bike is finally finished! Little i knew when starting this build a few years ago that it would take me this much. But i am happy with the result, and that's the most important. The bike is getting a lot of...
  4. Starnger

    The Square One 1️⃣ (.....finally!)

    Hi Camus! Lovely build! Looking forward to see it on Berlin streets ;) Is your old fork for sale? I am looking for a few ones like that.
  5. Starnger

    Project 346 Good Old Days Cruiser

    It have been like half a year since i put the guard on and now i believe the bike finally looks and rides as it should. I still use it as my daily rider most of the days. Since I've last posted it here i have also built a new lamp for it, using a more beaten up looking one. Since original...
  6. Starnger


    So, after more than three years i consider this project finished :) It is crazy how much time it takes, but so it is when you start making bikes professionally. You constantly lack time for your own projects being busy with clients bikes. However, this one is finally done. I have already taken...
  7. Starnger

    Will this springer girder fit a modern bike frame?

    You can do all of the things mentioned above.
  8. Starnger

    Dyno Bike History?

    What you have is a 24" Dlide that is built very much alike 26" Dyno Deuce, another popular bike based on Glide frame. Rather rare model. Nice bike!
  9. Starnger

    1965 sears spyder mark II

    Nice and shiny bike! Monark/Huffy built.
  10. Starnger


    Hi! Some progress on '87 Monterey! My friend have laced an 80's Shimano 3CC hub into an '63 Murray rim for me, so i have now an original-ish wheel with period correct drivetrain! So the work continued. Changed out the bottom bracket for the modern one, since the bearing races were shot. By...
  11. Starnger

    Rollfast headset issues.

    In situation like that I'd find someone with a lathe and just take some meat off your EC34 headset to a nice satisfying press fit. Otherwise make an adapter to allow your head tube to take regular modern EC30 headsets. Both of those operations are relatively easy to do on basically any lathe.
  12. Starnger

    Hello from Poland!

    Witam, Marcin! This summer i was on my first bike ride from Puck to Hel and i loved it a lot :) Feel free to drop by my workshop in Poznan if you'd be around ;)
  13. Starnger

    When Cutting Down a Fork for Smaller

    I've made my own set of truss rods for CWC fork once. Just bent a stainless rod in my vice and threaded the tips.
  14. Starnger

    Project "Firebolt" life after BO

    It have been four years since I've bought an ebike kit online and two and half years since I've started building a custom frame for it. Boy, i am taking it easy! But now it is time for a big update, and i have been working on the bike a lot in the last two weeks. There is definitely some...
  15. Starnger

    Fender Fitting a Prewar Huffman

    If you cut that beautiful fork you'd need to cut and re-thread the truss rods.