Project "Firebolt" life after BO

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Awesome looking bike! Will look fantastic with either the red rims or the mono scheme. What about a beige or white color wheel?
My plan is to go for 26x3 rear tire and 26x2.35 front one, i am thinking about Project 346 Balloon, since they are just so great and retro looking. There is not really a lot of choice for good quality white or creme tires in this size. If something nice comes up i might still change my mind.
Made my speedometer work by attaching a bigger magnet :) Because the chain stays are wide, the sensor just was too far away to pick the magnet, that's why it didn't work before. And done a 10km test run through the town. Feels good, the bike is definitely alive. Maxed at 35 kmph, about 21.5 mph. Not much faster then i usually go, but so effortless. Surely when i put a smaller sprocket on the back and/or bigger on the front and swap the rear hub out for Nuvinci, the bike would both be more comfortable to ride and more smooth. And, well, probably faster, though i don't really feel the urge to go much faster than that. That speed is just perfect for me to be able to control the traffic and street situation, for the brakes to easily slow the bike down without slipping and also for the suspension to absorb all the imperfections.
Now is the time of rather minor updates rather then major ones, but i want to set it up straight before i take it apart again and finish the frame up.
After burning a few bulbs (my actual output voltage is 6,4 instead of 6, too much for vintage ones) and sacrificing a LED lamp for parts i have finally made a light work. I've put a modern bulb into a NOS vintage dynamo lamp body i've got from my friend in Amsterdam around 7 years ago. It is probably temporary, since it looks too small on this bike, and even though i love it i may change it later. But at least i now have any light at all, so i am street legal :)
I've taken the bike out for a third ride, went to the distant neighborhood of my town to visit my friends, so it is now 20km more on it. I've hit the top speed of 46 kmph on it going downhill.

During the ride i had to tense up my chain once, and then half way there i've started hearing bad brake noises while i was rolling. The noise did stop once i was braking, so i figured it is because the brake was unaligned to the wheel. When tightening the axle i felt that i've destroyed the threads on the left nut, but it was too late to return. So i've finished the ride with a bit of stress for my bike falling apart and brake failing (did i mention it was heating up quite a lot more then i consider safe?) but without any unhappy incidents :D
Once home i've immediately decided to take the wheel i was using off and leave it for some non-electric project. Luckily the Nuvinci N380 hub i've ordered earlier have already came a few days ago. Since i only have money for good deals not for bad ones, i managed to buy it pretty cheaply from some warehouse who had old stock of complete new wheels with this hub. So i went ahead and decided to put the whole wheel in now for a test. It is 28" wheel, i am using 28x2.0 Continental tire with it. I am also upgrading it from no brake to roller brake using a special Nuvinci brake adapter tool i've bought from US a couple of month ago.

That's just amazing with those hubs that you can simply swap the brake adapter from roller to disc or to none for using with v-brakes! Not like with Shimano, when you actually need to buy a different model hub and even some parts are not interchangeable. Pity they don't have a coaster version though, but it won't work for the e-bike well anyway i am afraid. Unlike this beautiful BR-IM81 roller brake i am planning to use :)

The heating issues should be gone now with such a huge radiator. Here is the BR-IM41 i used to run before for comparison.

Another thing i've managed is the tensioning bolts. Since i don't have a lathe i've decided instead of cutting them down to drill and tap holes in the end of M10 bolts and insert some M6 ones in. Not perfectly straight and aligned obviously, but after some sanding they do the job well enough! And they definitely look better then my previous attempt to carefully cut one down with just basic tools. Of course if i wanted them well done i could invest a lot of my time and hand craft perfect bolts, file them and polish, but i am not a perfectionist and i just stick with the faster way :)

That's how the bike looks now. I still need to put an extra washer on top of the brake in order for the dropout not to block the cable nut from activating the brake. And also to connect the shifter and shifting cables. You can totally see the 28" wheel is a bit too much for it, but it will do for the sake of tests. Once ive tried the transmission and brakes i can basically call it mostly finished and move on to frame refinement, cable guiding, little details like rear lights and display placement, painting and pre-final assembly.
Hello everyone, wish you guys happy new year!
Another year of working on this project :D I am paying it my time and attention, but unfortunately it doesn't go all that fast. And the fact there are problems appearing along the way doesn't help :)

First thing is i've put the rear wheel properly and again after fighting a bit with Nuvinci shifting interface made it work.
What has gone wrong: the shifting was a bit too stiff, i am not sure why, and during the test drive the shifter snapped off. I did not yet check how bad the damage is, hope it is not beyond repair. Possible reasons for that are cold weather outside or funny cable guidance.

The front wheel is also installed and seems to work fine. I didn't re-solder the left braking lever yet, but i hope i am smart enough not to engage the front brake alone while the engine is active.

I've added a mirror and swapped the grips for another temporary option for some comfort.

And then surprise! My display started to act weird. It does not show the battery level and speed. The battery itself shows the charge is full and the speed sensor works fine. How do i know it? During the test ride it suddenly activated and acted normally for a few minutes, and then froze again, showing the speed different then zero but not updating it. The bike is fully functional despite this issue, but i have to fix it somehow. Reading forums i've found a few more people had this or similar issue, usually it means some wire connection is not stable. Not too nice :/

Another sad piece of news, on the way back home i've torn my persons seat a little. I am not used to the size of that thing, and the seat happened to be exactly on the level of the door lock, so when i was guiding the bike to the yard i've damaged it. It was not perfect anyway, but good enough for me not to have to reupholster it. Now it seems to not be an oprion any more, so i'd have to fix it.

Then come the rims. I got them to the local powdercoating shop recently, asking them to make a red metallic finish. I've already had a bike and a few things done by the guys and i trust them. Though the quality is really okay, i am unhappy with the color :/ Paid them 60 bucks, not too cheap for a pair of rims in my area. Now i'd have to overpaint them probably, since removing powder could thinner the aluminium of the rim. So more money to spend. I wanted it to me more candy paint looking, like the previous bike they've done for me, and it looks more like a toy now. I know it is completely my fault that i didn't make sure they do it exactly the color i want, so no claims to the guys at the service, they've done their job well.

I also bought a pair of Electra grips recently that i may want to use with the build. It is also not exactly the color i saw on the photo, but at least way closer, so i may end up using them or may not.

These are the news for now, seems i am not going to finish assembly and tests as soon as i wanted to. I now have a few issues to go through and some more money to spend to fix them. But i keep going and i still hope the bike will be ready for the spring season ;)
Hello everyone, wish you guys happy new year!
Another year of working on this project :D I am paying it my time and attention, but unfortunately it doesn't go all that fast. And the fact there are problems appearing along the way doesn't help :)

First thing is i've put the rear wheel properly and again after fighting a bit with Nuvinci shifting interface made it work.
What has gone wrong: the shifting was a bit too stiff, i am not sure why, and during the test drive the shifter snapped off. I did not yet check how bad the damage is, hope it is not beyond repair. Possible reasons for that are cold weather outside or funny cable guidance.
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The front wheel is also installed and seems to work fine. I didn't re-solder the left braking lever yet, but i hope i am smart enough not to engage the front brake alone while the engine is active.
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I've added a mirror and swapped the grips for another temporary option for some comfort.
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And then surprise! My display started to act weird. It does not show the battery level and speed. The battery itself shows the charge is full and the speed sensor works fine. How do i know it? During the test ride it suddenly activated and acted normally for a few minutes, and then froze again, showing the speed different then zero but not updating it. The bike is fully functional despite this issue, but i have to fix it somehow. Reading forums i've found a few more people had this or similar issue, usually it means some wire connection is not stable. Not too nice :/
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Another sad piece of news, on the way back home i've torn my persons seat a little. I am not used to the size of that thing, and the seat happened to be exactly on the level of the door lock, so when i was guiding the bike to the yard i've damaged it. It was not perfect anyway, but good enough for me not to have to reupholster it. Now it seems to not be an oprion any more, so i'd have to fix it.
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Then come the rims. I got them to the local powdercoating shop recently, asking them to make a red metallic finish. I've already had a bike and a few things done by the guys and i trust them. Though the quality is really okay, i am unhappy with the color :/ Paid them 60 bucks, not too cheap for a pair of rims in my area. Now i'd have to overpaint them probably, since removing powder could thinner the aluminium of the rim. So more money to spend. I wanted it to me more candy paint looking, like the previous bike they've done for me, and it looks more like a toy now. I know it is completely my fault that i didn't make sure they do it exactly the color i want, so no claims to the guys at the service, they've done their job well.
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I also bought a pair of Electra grips recently that i may want to use with the build. It is also not exactly the color i saw on the photo, but at least way closer, so i may end up using them or may not.
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These are the news for now, seems i am not going to finish assembly and tests as soon as i wanted to. I now have a few issues to go through and some more money to spend to fix them. But i keep going and i still hope the bike will be ready for the spring season ;)
I do like the colour on your rims!

I can't judge the money/quality thing on your rims, but there is a powdercoating and steel company near my house that sand blasts and powdercoats a frame + fork for 60 euros. (all RAL classic colours, depending if they have that colour in stock). If I can help or assist you with that.

I like that yellow front wheel as wel :cool:

Is another hub an option for you? A singlespeed electric bike for simplicity?

You got an great lookin' bike there at least.
Hello everyone!
Even though the works on the project were slowed down this summer, it is being closer and closer to completion!
After hard search i've managed to find the same rims from 2014 in original red anodized color! Sent the wheels to be laced up to my friends bike shop already :) Asked him to check if he can find some extra thick spokes, but we will see. The wheels on the bike actually hold up pretty well on regular spokes too.

I just love the way they resemble the vintage rims shape. But being designed for extreme MTB riding they are pretty strong too, so a perfect choice for an electric bike. They have a couple of sctratches here and there and a bit of decoloration going on, but i really don't mind, the bike is going to be used hard so scratches are inevitable anyway!

Earlier i've made a bigger front sprocket for the bike. It has 56 teeth and inspired by JC Higgins, Murray and Roadmaster Luxury Liner sprockets. Now the feeling of the ratio is perfect! Bike can easily go steep uphill on loose ground even with fully loaded side bags on high RPM without any danger to the motor on the lowest hub ratio, and at the same time go pretty fast on lower RPM and lower cadence on higher hub ratios.

I've test drove it for around a 110 km through difficult terrain and back, it feels that the battery holds well for around 80 km on the peak performance mode, but more tests yet to be made. So far i am very happy by the way it feels, i've maxed it out at almost 60 kmph on the asphalt and went 40 kmph on the forest trail at night. Very different feeling then to a normal bike, but the further i develop the bicycle the more i love it. I've changed the temporarily wheelset again, and that is how it looks now:

Another good piece of news is that a good friend of mine fixed the wiring issues that were leading to speedometer failure. Apparently they put the crumpled wire to the controller at the factory, so with the help of some vibration it stopped transmitting the signal. However Tim, a friend i've mentioned, did a great job taking the thing apart, finding the issue, fixing it for me, making new better isolation and putting it back together. I must say it is a really weird and unusual feeling to see someone working on my bike. It is always the opposite. I now understand why people love to hang out with me while i fix their stuff :D So the last thing holding me from finishing the bike is now gone, i am going full speed towards finishing the project! By the way, look at this lovely chain guard i got from US that i am intending to use on this project ;) It is a bit rough, but that is exactly what i want for this bike! I won't be sad to modify it and won't worry for destroying it's original condition.
My initial color choice for the rims would be white, but, the red gives it a hot rod vibe and that"s what I would choose . That bike looks fantastic. I'm inspired.
I love the spirit of this project. Looking forward to the next update.
Thanks! The update is coming soon! I bought some new 26x3.0 Project 346 Balloon tires and i was promised by a friend the wheels will be laced this week! So soon i will be able to actually fit the wheels i am intending to use on this bike, decide on the tire size, if i run 3.0 wide both front and back or 3.0 back 2.35 front, and also fit the fenders. Then once this is done i take it apart again to finish up the frame.
So, the next week i was telling about last month was this week :D
Finally got the wheels laced! They look great, and that's even before i put them together!

Here are the cool rim tapes that came in a set with those rims back in the days. I still have a set of them from the other, new rim set.

And that's how the wheel looks assembled! Boy they are looking THICK!

I am totally in love. Just the way i wanted them. Totally worth all the efforts sourcing parts and waiting. 3 inch wide 346 Balloon tires with white walls look awesome.

Spent a couple of hours to fit the wheels and fenders.

After like 5 tries and three different modified fender brackets sets i finally made it, and it clears perfectly even with such a tight spacing! So 3 inch tire on the front it is! 80mm fenders look great and smooth, but who knows, maybe if i put my hands on 100mm ones i end up liking them even more.

The rear is mounted too. With the long nuts i am able to offset the rear fender enough to provide the good fitment for any position of the wheel in the long dropouts. Looks awesome, i love my bike so much. Perfect tight fitment. I intend to keep the fenders chromed, not going to paint them.

Had a chance for a test drive today, the bike rides so smooth! And the best part is it starts to look almost finished. Just the wheels make so much difference. Now it is time to take it all apart again, extend the rear tubes, weld on a bracket for a kickstand and a trailer mount, weld on a chainguard brackets and fit all the small things. Then the frame is considered done, i would only be left with cable routing and possibly a tank? Anyhow, i feel there is a good chance i have this bike riding for the coming spring season!
When a build off project takes you 24 month instead of 4 you know you are too optimistic about your builds completion time :D
It have been four years since I've bought an ebike kit online and two and half years since I've started building a custom frame for it. Boy, i am taking it easy! But now it is time for a big update, and i have been working on the bike a lot in the last two weeks. There is definitely some progress, and i am guessing the bike would be mostly ready soon.

Friday the other week I've taken the bike apart and started sketching out the bracket for the vintage JC Higgins chainguard I've bought earlier. First I've played some with the battery and engine position adjusting them. My initial thought was to move battery backwards a little, cutting some pocket in the seat tube. It didn't seem to work out well, so after talking to a friend and a colleague my new plan was to build a protecting plate for the facing forward electric engine and combining it with the guard mount.
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Here i am sketching it out with some wire first and then with some piece of cardboard.
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In the mean time with a help of my friend we modify the frame. As planned earlier, the cantilever tubes get extended and reinforced and the tips cut nicely. The other change is the new plate for the battery mount, or rather a piece of profile now. There are nuts welded in now and it seems to hold well, and also because it is placed higher it is very easy to attach and detach the battery.
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Next thing is i am sketching out the protecting plate on a piece of paper based from a cardboard model.
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After that i am cutting the paper piece out and making some changes while trying the model out. Next thing is i am cutting it out of 1,5mm steel plate.
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Then the plate gets bent and mocked up on a frame.
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Seems alright, so i am tracing the mounting points out.
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In the mean time the kickstand is finally mounted. I have to say it was difficult to do because of the tube shape under the welded plate bracket, and I've broke two taps while doing that, though i am not at all unexperienced with this tool.
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In the end I had to move it a bit higher anyways, so you will see how it looks later :)
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The holes are drilled and the protecting plate mounted.
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We've decided not to stop here, so the second part cardboard sketch is done.
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As you guessed, the plate becomes an actual case now.
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Making the smaller pieces to close the corners nicely.
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And here we go, the case is ready!
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That's how the bike sits now.
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The chainguard is mounted to the protecting case on the front.
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And to the long aluminium strip on the rear end.
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Apart from returning the front lamp that broke off last year, i have also put the rear lights on the tips of the canti tubes. They are wired internally and connected to the controller along with the front one.
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Here is how the motor sits in the case and how the cables are now guided through it. Obviously the wiring is not finished so don't mind the mess.
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That's the new kickstand. Incredibly comfortable to have it here and i am so glad the bike can finally stand on its own :D
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I have moved the display from the handlebar to the top tube. That way my stem looks clean and is visible, i am in love with P346 stem design and want to show it off :D
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The mount is just a piece of an old handlebar with the slot cut in it and some plate on top. The sides will be cut and covered. This setup is temporary anyways, i am planning to make a tank for it in the future, that would accommodate the display, some wiring and the integrated lights. But that is an ambitious thing for now, so probably this winter it has go stay like that :)
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So there are still many more plans for it. I may need to stiffen the rear chainguard mount, but the tests will show. I've done around 800km on my odometer now, so i guess it comes close to a 1000km done by this bike. I will need to replace the rear brake with hydraulic in the end, despite of my preference of a roller brake over disc one. When the bike is loaded with the trailer the rear roller brake ends up overheating from high speeds and intensive use :/
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So, soon i am assembling it once again, performing one more test and then finally painting it! I already love the way it looks, with the chainguard installed and all the changes done the thing just screams "50s!"


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