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  • Ulu
    @One-eyed Sailor The drawings are very attractive, but . . . My boss used to tell me that the problem with computer aided design, is...
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  • Ulu
    Ulu reacted to BartRidesEternal's post in the thread UNLIMITED Ratneck Rampage with Like Like.
    I left the blacks bars on the bike for a testride and they are very comfortable to ride! The bar is definitely growing on me. These...
  • Ulu
    Ulu replied to the thread Fancy Bicycle Racks.
    Well I missed the politicking part of this. No big deal, howeverI am disappointed to see that the name of my thread was changed, and...
  • Ulu
    Ulu replied to the thread Fancy Bicycle Racks.
    It’s a big hospital complex, over a dozen buildings, and there are two buildings with the doors right behind me (as the photo was taken)...
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  • Ulu
    Ulu reacted to twojs.bike's post in the thread Fancy Bicycle Racks with Like Like.
    There is some bad suburban planning in this country. I took my car into the dealership for some work in Midlothian VA and planned to...
  • Ulu
    Ulu reacted to Da Gas Man's post in the thread Fancy Bicycle Racks with Like Like.
    I had specialized in ADA compliance here on Long Island. It always seemed odd to place ADA ramps on busy roadway corners, with no...
  • Ulu
    Ulu reacted to 68z27's post in the thread Fancy Bicycle Racks with Like Like.
    For some time I wanted to start a thread of bike racks (useful ones too) I've got pics of a couple of interesting ones. I just wanted to...
  • Ulu
    Ulu reacted to rickpaulos's post in the thread Fancy Bicycle Racks with Like Like.
    The old school racks where you put a wheel in a slot are a thing of the past. Countless wheels were trashed by drunken frat boys jumping...
  • Ulu
    Ulu reacted to GeePig's post in the thread Fancy Bicycle Racks with Like Like.
    In our city of Lublin, in eastern Poland, cycle tracks are the latest and greatest thing. When I first arrived here some 28 years ago...
  • Ulu
    Mine has not had any love lately either. I will have to fix that.
  • Ulu
    Ulu posted the thread Fancy Bicycle Racks in THE OTHER TALK.
    At our local hospital: Somebody put a little effort into this rack. It’s not just some utilitarian collection of welded pipes. And...
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  • Ulu
    Ulu replied to the thread Matti Scores!!.
    I converted a couple with the Grind King king bolts. I liked them a lot, but long lengths were unavailable for downhill trucks.
  • Ulu
    Over center!
  • Ulu
    Ulu reacted to MattiThundrrr's post in the thread Matti Scores!! with Like Like.
    I got this worn and battered sk8board at the Value Village last week : Chips, scrapes, dings, I don't know who the guy is, don't...
  • Ulu
    Ulu replied to the thread Matti Scores!!.
    I would send you some six hole base plates that fit that board, but you are on the wrong side of never never land from here. In the...