UNLIMITED Falstaff's Revenge

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Apr 17, 2014
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I said I didn't plan to get involved in another build off, due to my lack of desire to document these things. Yet, here I am.

That said. I lack a name for this thing, but given my schizophrenia, I thought naming it after my old moniker was ok.

Anyway. Random green bike I found a few weeks ago, and a little buzz bike? convertible I got for the chainguard.
A memory of when my wife and I first met popped in my head.
I had built a "No weld" recumbent based on an instructable (remember that site?)

This time around, I thought I'd make things a little more permanent. So here I am, in my garage, cutting and welding. Haven't gotten too far, but this really shouldn't take very long.(famous last words)

Don't expect a whole lot of detail, just because I still don't like to document. But, I think it's self evident what's happening.

Oh. I'm also open to name suggestions, but as I keep typing, I kind of like the name...
Here I cut and bent the seat tube, for a more relaxed ride.
I'll use the rear triangle of the convertible for pedal placement.
The purple tube is from "That 70s chopper" a build from a few years ago, that still isnt finished.The tube will take the place of all thread used in the no weld.

Anyway. That's it for now. Must get back to fitting parts.
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A MBB recumbent? Awesome! I’m working on a custom/scratch build for a friend. A lot of engineering in the front end. Good luck! I’ll be watching.
Great to see your rebooted version back in the fun and building brother!
"To build or not to build, that is the question" ~ Shakesbeer aka Falstaff

RaT oN~!
A MBB recumbent? Awesome! I’m working on a custom/scratch build for a friend. A lot of engineering in the front end. Good luck! I’ll be watching.
Not so much MBB, I don't think. My plan is to make the triangle a part of the fork, so bottom bracket should be fixed. Still working on the design.
In order to ride this thing properly, I need short crank arms. Unfortunately, the only 5" crank I have is on this old Roadrunner. But it's not giving up the ghost.

So. Onto the trash pile for this old Murray crank, and a vist from the cut off wheel.
Thought I might go all Kingfish on the handlebars, but realized I only have cruiser bars, 2 apes, and one rams horn. So only 2 pictures.

I think that covers the basic part of the build. Just have some final welding and create the saddle, then blow it apart for paint.
No idea how I'm going to paint it, just know I intend to.
Now I see what you got cookin’. Really wanna ride that.

Like the apes better. Looks like the horns are tilted too far forward.
Did you ride it yet? Looks like a hoot.
Yeah. The first try ended with a scape on the knee. With the cruiser bars and the pedals were to far away, and leg went straight. Couldn't hold the front end.
I moved the triangle up, and shortened the crank arms, now it's just about perfect. But that front end is heavy, still have to get used to it.
The rams horns just don't feel right, regardless how they tilt. The apes have a comfort to them that feels right.

I like the rams horns just the way you have them. Just spin the grips around 180° and grip them from underneath.

Rock'et like a Robot! :D