I have a similar situation with a collection of military stuff. Years of portraying various
time periods of American warfare. Back when I was young and healthy I loved doing
re-enactments. When I couldn't climb in and jump out of a deuce and a half like a kid
anymore is when things began to slow to a stop. When I laid there in the dirt from the
low crawl just a little longer than the unit as they all jumped up and ran forward... yeah.
It was watching another guy get taken away in an ambulance and hearing he had died
from cardiac arrest that put the light bulb over my head. I've sold most everything now.
As you say, there's more room. Which is a relief. I let go of a few demons. Which is again
a relief. Some of the things were worth much more than I had paid years back and some
things I just gave away to young re-enactors just starting out in the hobby that don't have
two nickels to rub together. Been there. Many years ago my dad was selling things out of
his collection and I had asked, "Why are you getting rid of these things? Aren't they rare
and valuable?" He said in his infinite wisdom, "It's just stuff Pete. When I'm gone, take a
look in the box. That's what I'm taking with me."