Started putzing around with this Sears Fleetliner I picked up from member corysmeltzer a long time ago, and the rat trap springer fork I got more recently from member kirkpatrick, too...
The goal is to source all parts from junk I've got laying around, except for wheels, those will have to be outsourced. I already have brand new 26x2.125" white wall Sunlite tires and appropriate tubes.
This is the first mockup with parts from the '55 Schwinn Racer girl's bike I got a few weeks ago. I don't plan on using all of these parts, but I happened to have the Schwinn down from the rafters so I picked it clean. Despite the flat rear tire, this thing yard rides just fine.
The steer tube is about 3/4" too short, but so is the one on the Church Rat, and I haven't had any problems there yet
I'm not crazy about the seat, I love it OFF the bike but once it's mounted I think it looks too big. Maybe a laid back seat post will help...
I also really like the chainring on the Raleigh I got with the Schwinn, so I'll likely use that. It's in better shape than this one, anyway.
I plan to use the front generator hub from the Raleigh IF it still generates. Undecided on rear hub at this moment. I have a few other bits and pieces from other bikes that will probably make their way to this one. A nice rear rack, a cool light or two, the tail of a rodent of unusual know, the basics.
I'm thinking red, possibly two-tone on the frame. I want to clean the seat and see what color it really is, then decide if I really want to use it. If I do, I want to match the color to do some accents on the frame, then maybe "fauxtina" the whole thing.
It's all speculation at this point, we'll see what actually happens with it.
The goal is to source all parts from junk I've got laying around, except for wheels, those will have to be outsourced. I already have brand new 26x2.125" white wall Sunlite tires and appropriate tubes.
This is the first mockup with parts from the '55 Schwinn Racer girl's bike I got a few weeks ago. I don't plan on using all of these parts, but I happened to have the Schwinn down from the rafters so I picked it clean. Despite the flat rear tire, this thing yard rides just fine.
The steer tube is about 3/4" too short, but so is the one on the Church Rat, and I haven't had any problems there yet
I also really like the chainring on the Raleigh I got with the Schwinn, so I'll likely use that. It's in better shape than this one, anyway.
I plan to use the front generator hub from the Raleigh IF it still generates. Undecided on rear hub at this moment. I have a few other bits and pieces from other bikes that will probably make their way to this one. A nice rear rack, a cool light or two, the tail of a rodent of unusual know, the basics.
I'm thinking red, possibly two-tone on the frame. I want to clean the seat and see what color it really is, then decide if I really want to use it. If I do, I want to match the color to do some accents on the frame, then maybe "fauxtina" the whole thing.
It's all speculation at this point, we'll see what actually happens with it.