ORBO 26.0 X 27.5 Flyer

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63 degrees this morning after a week of below zero and below freezing temperatures with snow and ice.
Without lifting, pushing, pulling anything with much effort (10 pounds limit, gallon jug of milk as example) I put the fork extender in place as mockup and mounted the brake caliper and pads in the lower position. Still need to get a longer bolt for the extension adapter.
Otherwise I think the setup will work for the “Flyer”. I’ll eventually tweak the setup after a test ride, no rubbing or binding in garage statically.


In walking around the yard I see signs of spring raising my spirits. My favorite time of year as I get older and feel I’ll make it through another winter. Always wish I’d planted some more bulbs back in the fall.
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Certainly a change in weather from last week! My sons and families in the Twin Cities are liking the temps, but wish for more snow for the next month ahead.

That brake extender mount is new to me. Looks like a good piece of machining. And the green brake pads!

The bulbs are nice to see. Yes, signs of Spring north of the Mason Dixon line is always encouraging.
Certainly a change in weather from last week! My sons and families in the Twin Cities are liking the temps, but wish for more snow for the next month ahead.

That brake extender mount is new to me. Looks like a good piece of machining. And the green brake pads!

The bulbs are nice to see. Yes, signs of Spring north of the Mason Dixon line is always encouraging.
Thanks for the reply.

I’m over the snow but we usually get some in March or April, even May but rare. Weather men say we’re 8” past normal snowfall. This winter is like those I remember growing up and when in college, 50’s-60’s-70’s. Snow above average and temps below average in 2025.

The fork brake mount extension is what I was envisioning and trying to figure out a way to do it with stock material and hand tools. Sorta found it on eBay by accident looking for the extended mount brake pads which I’d seen when building the U-Haul bike. I can see using it again if the need arises. The green pads don’t quite match the frame green but what the hey?

I have quite a few potted Japanese Maple trees, I insulate the pots in the winter. They’re sorta like big Bonsai trees, except a purist would disagree. The buds on them are looking good for the most part. The trick is to not have the roots freeze so they are getting just snow melt moisture. We are still in a mandatory water rationing mode enacted last summer. Our main water supply is 7’ below normal. We can use outdoor water one day a week 8:00pm to 10:00am the next morning. Those hours put a dent in when I want to be dragging a hose hose around. We didn’t use our sprinkler system last summer. So the potted trees and shrubs have been somewhat acclimated to drier conditions. The first thing I noticed after retirement was the joy in watching things awaken in the spring…new life rebirth.

Things to come…
Still experimenting with the final edition of the FLYER. I installed one of the stem brackets that the Captain had shared an image of. I removed the clunky BMX stem and the quail. I mocked up the Rat Fink antennae topper.
Then I placed the quail on loosely for a comparison view.
I’m waffling, I like both.

If you’ve been watching this build or just lurking what do you think?


Rat Fink antennae topper?
‘30’s Ford radiator cap quail?
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View attachment 289976
Forgot to do the rat fink but here is the quail.

View attachment 289977
As much as I love Rat Fink, I think the quail works better.

Just wondering, do you have a way to angle it so the quail looks like it's flying level and forward, instead of flying up? I just think that would enhance the overall look, since your handlebars and seat both sit level.
As much as I love Rat Fink, I think the quail works better.

Just wondering, do you have a way to angle it so the quail looks like it's flying level and forward, instead of flying up? I just think that would enhance the overall look, since your handlebars and seat both sit level.
OK thanks. I’ve noticed the taking flight effect also. First thought involves bending the the stem bracket, think it is formed aluminum. The rat fink is either a bit undersized or needs to sit higher.

So I tried tweaking the bracket down a few degrees. The aluminum is pretty soft, apparently not heat treated.

It could probably go a bit more but I didn’t want to hear a snap.
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, Ed, could you invert the bracket flip it upside down? That would lower the takeoff for the quail to start. Then I would use some beveled spacers like in caliper brake mounts, To be able to rotate the Quail's head down slightly.

It might even work To just make a slight angle cut down and back on the front of your long spacers you presently have. Anything to decrease the angle and force the bird into a more horizontal position.

ed bird.jpg

And then these beveled washers on the front end behind the bolt head:

ed bird 2.jpg

And no they don't have to be titanium. :bigsmile:
, Ed, could you invert the bracket flip it upside down? That would lower the takeoff for the quail to start. Then I would use some beveled spacers like in caliper brake mounts, To be able to rotate the Quail's head down slightly.

It might even work To just make a slight angle cut down and back on the front of your long spacers you presently have. Anything to decrease the angle and force the bird into a more horizontal position.

View attachment 290037

And then these beveled washers on the front end behind the bolt head:

View attachment 290038

And no they don't have to be titanium. :bigsmile:
Thanks OJ.
Yes the bracket could flip but the little adapter plates that the quail bolt mounts to would be at the mercy of two micro screws that would take the weight of the bird assembly. At the present installation the adapter plate is resting on the stem bracket. The screws just hold the plate in place, no vertical holding force.
The two stem mounting bolts are longer than normal and are M5’s. They are holding the bars in place. I don’t really want to lose their holding force by cutting and adding swivels to them.
Not sure the flight pattern is that big of deal. Quails taking off are pretty aggressive. They gain their altitude pretty quick.
The stem adapter bracket has more bend capability. When I get back to riding shape I’ll make a final decision.
I went back and looked at the post for the stem extender that I used. In looking at the details the on I got doesn’t match the one the seller currently shows. Mine appears to be fabricated stamped bent plate where the current offering appears cast. Just thought I’d offer this up in case anyone is using this type of part.

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