ORBO 26.0 X 27.5 Flyer

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63 degrees this morning after a week of below zero and below freezing temperatures with snow and ice.
Without lifting, pushing, pulling anything with much effort (10 pounds limit, gallon jug of milk as example) I put the fork extender in place as mockup and mounted the brake caliper and pads in the lower position. Still need to get a longer bolt for the extension adapter.
Otherwise I think the setup will work for the “Flyer”. I’ll eventually tweak the setup after a test ride, no rubbing or binding in garage statically.


In walking around the yard I see signs of spring raising my spirits. My favorite time of year as I get older and feel I’ll make it through another winter. Always wish I’d planted some more bulbs back in the fall.
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Certainly a change in weather from last week! My sons and families in the Twin Cities are liking the temps, but wish for more snow for the next month ahead.

That brake extender mount is new to me. Looks like a good piece of machining. And the green brake pads!

The bulbs are nice to see. Yes, signs of Spring north of the Mason Dixon line is always encouraging.