The Clash at 6:30 in the morning.
That's why we love you ZL !
Yea hang 24 hours , but,hey,cool people
ski and skate in crazy weather ! And then
cozy up to a warm fire and eat and drink.
How's that sound ?;)...Stevil
Hmmm... That's not you typical attitude.
And the quality of that paint job is below
your high standards. Is this the real ZL ?
Or the new retired ponytailed leather wearing biker ZL? :crazy:...Stevil
I plan to come directly over after a ...
Surf Dance Party Saturday night.
As I always say," Rock n Roll is hard"
As is making bike rides in far off states.
Weather will be a factor...:nod:Stevil
Looks like this Sunday will be 60 plus !
But I will be watching the St Patrick's Day
Parade in New Haven with friends. If interested I will give you an address you
can party with us. Talk about matching bands,omg,this is the Best. ...Stevil
Jane and I are discussing a full day of
riding and sightseeing and lunch and
beverages and such. Don't forget
Crabby Joes is just off the path and there
is a bike shop in town. Hope attendees
can hang around and others join us later.
Make plans and pray for good weather...
Too early for Camping overnight Saturday
night ? The idea has been mentioned. I
am prepping a van for biking events,
don't know if it will be ready,:tmi:...Stevil
"Oh please ":20:to both the previous posts.
Just saying.
I currently work on Saturdays. And I still
love donuts. So please consider a Sunday.
Maybe this will also be a 60 degree day.
Be patient, it is winter btw. Anyway ,
your bike is kinda Cool ,original construction with use of dif parts. I have
a Dolomite I don't like but if I scrap the
front end I could copy you ! Hmmm