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  1. dougfisk

    1936 Schwinn "C Model"

    OH NO! ... not another one... :eek: 1936 Schwinn #C97 - I bought this on RRB a while ago, absent wheels and seat; but complete with a bent frame and bent fork and cruddy spray bomb repaint(?)... I scrubbed the cruddy primer/repaint off with steel wool and lacquer thinner revealing a pretty...
  2. dougfisk

    Bicycle painting

    Jarod: How well did the oven cleaner work? I have a set of fenders that had original paint plus one layer of barn paint..., I tried oven cleaner to remove the top coat, and it stripped them down to the bare metal in a matter of seconds! :eek::confused:
  3. dougfisk

    Please ID these rims?

    Who can ID these rims? They are drop center, more recent than the 60's I believe. Their unique characteristics are sharp angular bends, very raw completely unfinished welds at seams, and some numbers stamped. They are real straight with nice plating so I built them up:
  4. dougfisk

    im looking to pick this up.

    That is a postwar Schwinn ballooner... circa 46 to 61 or so.
  5. dougfisk

    Monark Street Racer ~~ CLUB-29 ~~ IT RIDES 5-22 ~~

    What is that all over the sidewalk and street? o_O
  6. dougfisk

    Colson gallery...

  7. dougfisk

    Need help restoreing a set of wheels

    pics would help... what standard, function and appearance, are you trying to achieve?
  8. dougfisk

    Monark Street Racer ~~ CLUB-29 ~~ IT RIDES 5-22 ~~

    Skip - I'll be interested in your assessment of the 29'er BIG TIRE ride experience... I have this theory that all that rotating mass will feel more sliggish than an equivalent 26in assembly. You are the guy to ask... :)
  9. dougfisk

    Swap meet ID prewar help please

    Shelby on the girls.... probably about 1935.
  10. dougfisk

    Started with this and found this

    The serial # decodes as 46 also.
  11. dougfisk

    "BULL HONKY" aka JC Huffman

    That's a nice start.:)
  12. dougfisk

    Started with this and found this

    Hi JD... The separate seat post clamp reveals this as postwar, 46 - 47. The prewar frames had an integral-to-the-post, split in tube, seat post clamping action. The "46" on the fork is a year reference and cinches it. That's a shame about the paint. In my experience recovering the...
  13. dougfisk

    New Departure rear hubs???

    If you can rebuild any hub, you can rebuild this one... no meaningful difference in difficulty. Yes standard (1/2in) cogs were and are available and interchange. Yes you must change the cog to 1/2in in order to use a 1/2in chain and chainwheel.
  14. dougfisk

    Parts interchangeability between the older bikes?

    The short answer is, most components were standardized for about 70 years within a few variations. The steer tubes on the various forks will be found in several lengths. There will be no problem in outfitting one of these old frames that will be expensive or difficult to solve.
  15. dougfisk

    newer coaster brakes are they really less dependable or is it me?

    In my experience, the new chinese hubs are everything I hate about the junk that is sold today. But the operation of the brakes is the one function that has been satisfactory. The brakes have been very strong on the ones I have serviced.
  16. dougfisk

    Just some ratty old Bug-Eyed Elgin ~ PIIIIC HEAVVVVVY

    Rack is wrong color... but you knew that...:) Tha handlebars & grips are uncharacteristic of that model.
  17. dougfisk

    Store bought cruiser, what's best?

    Nothing, they are both sub-optimal for transfer of power resulting in acceleration, climbing, speed, or endurance. A person can tolerate just about anything for putting around at low speeds or short distances, hence "cruisers", toys, and objects of creative expression need not be well designed...
  18. dougfisk


    Are you allowed a modified fork? or bolt on relocation? or a bolt-on relocation, extension, drop, of rear dropout?
  19. dougfisk


    Jeez.. can't you ever just be like... mediocre? :rolleyes: