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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. GameBent

    Best FINDS of 2011

    This year my collection became complete, except for the few and very far between vintage bikes I want but can't afford. First off is the custom Electra Ghostrider. I scoured Craigslist daily for over 1.5 years until I finally found it. Lucky for me that the damaged parts of the bike (that...
  2. GameBent

    Group Ride in SD on Feb 12 - EBF - Link to over 80 pics

    Re: Group Ride in San Diego on Feb 12 - EBF Just over a week to go for this fun group ride!
  3. GameBent

    New monthly SO CAL ride starting Jan 29th!

    My mistake. I've never had any bad vibes at the CC rides, and I haven't ridden a vintage bike at any of them, so I assumed that they're open to all cruisers. I never realized that there were people who were actually displeased to see non-vintage bikes on the group rides. That is unfortunate. I...
  4. GameBent

    New monthly SO CAL ride starting Jan 29th!

    That's exactly how the Cyclone Coasters group rides in Long Beach went from five to 150 riders in only a few years!
  5. GameBent

    Triple Tree Headlight

    That's exactly what I did, except I bought some inexpensive aluminum fork mounts from eBay. They were too long, so I had to cut some off of each one or else the headlight would stick out too far for my liking. I also bought an old Puch moped headlight with side mount holes, painted it black and...
  6. GameBent

    Group Ride in SD on Feb 12 - EBF - Link to over 80 pics

    San Diego doesn't have much of an organized cruiser scene, so why not join a bunch of 'bike-minded' people for a group ride in Feb? The EBF monthly ride has been going on for close to a year now and averages 30-50 riders of all ages. Anyone with a positive attitude is welcome to ride any...
  7. GameBent

    let me see those suicide shifter bicycles

    Here's my Electra Ghostrider with suicide Bendix shifter.
  8. GameBent

    Headlight ideas ?

    I put a Puch moped headlight on my Electra Ghostrider and will be converting it to LED asap! It's a side-mounted headlight with metal motorcycle brackets holding it onto the forks.
  9. GameBent

    Double Kick Stand

    I added a double kickstand to my Ghostrider, and it is now my favorite kickstand of my fleet! It's sturdier than single kickstands and holds the bike completely upright! I can even do minor repairs using this kickstand instead of a repair stand.
  10. GameBent

    "For Ape Hangers Only" Club

    I added Electra Stream Ride ape hangers (among other things) to my custom Electra Ghostrider.
  11. GameBent

    2012 New Belgium Cruiser

    I don't like Felt's new frame design at all. When combined with the gloss red and gold paint scheme, this NB bike is too 'bling bling' for my taste. The only things I like about it are the redline tires and the saddle.
  12. GameBent

    Saw this and thought I'd share AWESOME!!!

    I'm on the wire with this frame design...
  13. GameBent

    Electra Bicycle Pics

    Well, I don't want to update pics every time I change the valve covers, hehe. Thanks for the accolades!
  14. GameBent

    Electra Bicycle Pics

    Here's the final version of my Ghostrider.
  15. GameBent

    Custom Ghostrider - Final Version Pic 12/12/11

    Re: Custom Ghostrider Here is the final version of my GR. I changed to the narrower Electra Stream Ride ape hangers and added a Puch moped headlight that will be converted to LED very soon.
  16. GameBent

    You gotta see this! tallbikeish

    Now that's one tall bike I'd love to own! Simply awesome!
  17. GameBent


    Re: NEW BATCH OF 100% cotton Gildan - L I haven't washed it yet.
  18. GameBent

    Bendix Kickback Questions

  19. GameBent

    Bendix Kickback Questions

    If the red band Bendix kickback hub with 18 tooth cog gives 1:1 ratio in high gear, how many teeth is the lower gear comparable to? Is there a big difference between high and low gear or is it a matter of a few teeth on the rear cog? Thanks.
  20. GameBent


    I bought a large, and it seems shorter than most large shirts. It barely covers my belt, and I don't have a gut. Any way to get longer ones in large?