Double Kick Stand

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Nov 10, 2007
Reaction score
Manhattan Illinois
Rating - 0%
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A while back I busted a kickstand on my "commuter" so I have been just leaning up against the wall in the garage because I'm not working at the moment and did not want to spend the money. So my wife for Christmas bought me a cool double kickstand. I put it on a different bike since it's black and so is the other bike, and swapped out the old single one to the commuter. I think I will never buy another single kickstand again, this is so nice! Sturdy and I love how the bike don't lean to the side. I know it's silly to be so stoked from such a simple thing but I am!
Is it the Hebie Bipod or the Pletscher double kickstand? Both look like they have there pros and cons.

I don't have either but I do have a center stand for my Xtracycle. I can't imagine going back to the old leaning kickstand.
yea,my recumbent needs a double. Its a leaner,cause its so LOOONG that I may need 2 on it,1 front 1 rear. A double would work well, but mine came welded on.
I'm interested too. I need a double kickstand for this one due to a combination of the length and weight. I'm thinking of just making one from bent steel rod and a steel bushing welded to the frame. But I'm looking at options right now.
I Agree, I have 2 of them one I needed to do something different when I put the springer on my ratfink since the front end was so much heavier it always wanted to tip over and one on my the 58 roadmaster I built for thre girlfriend it is nice that they sit straight up and are super sturdy :)
Here are a few pics. Sorry, but I'm not sure of the brand. She found it cute to wrap it up in a Victorias Secret bag. Thought I was getting something sexy instead I got this! lol

I added a double kickstand to my Ghostrider, and it is now my favorite kickstand of my fleet!
It's sturdier than single kickstands and holds the bike completely upright! I can even do minor repairs using this kickstand instead of a repair stand.

i realy like that stand,think you can get the info on where to get one ? the BIG DADDY is what i was wanting one for. :mrgreen: 8)