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  1. C

    1968 Columbia Rambler Deluxe

    Pretty slick ride congratulations.
  2. C

    Drum Brakes?

    I love my front drums, they are fantastic!!..the stopping is smooth and sure!!!!..every motorized bicycle I've built has had a front SA drum...wouldnt build a motored bike without one. I've used them only cruisers as well , but not "standard"
  3. C

    1956 Roadmaster w/ Harbor Freight 79cc

    The paint is in great shape, not really sure if I want to gore than just wash and wax before it gets put together final. Threw on an Indian bell I got in a trade a while back.
  4. C

    1937 LaSalle

    Great score!!
  5. C

    Cook Brothers current value

    Nice score, that's why I got out of whizzers... parts were getting harder and pricier to find. Cash in.
  6. C

    Build Tunes

    Spent some time in the basement this weekend working on a bike and listening to tunes...this one right here pedals my crank!!!.... like the lyrics say its gonna "put some boogie in your ear" heavy stuff isnt everyone's taste but this one is just a great rock n roll song.
  7. C

    1956 Roadmaster w/ Harbor Freight 79cc

    I purchased this Roadmaster from original owner for $50, was planning on flipping it but my current Roadmaster needed to be completely rebuilt and it was pieced together and scheduled to be rebuilt this spring ...voila 75% there. Took the seat from my Zeppelin , racks, tank, cranks, clutch...
  8. C

    GT Dyno cruiser build

    Very nice start!! Whos version of the Monark Fork did you get.. the Felt version is superb, and I also have a Sportsman Flyer version on my roller thats sitting in Pat's shop...which Sportsman did you get from Santa?
  9. C

    Roadmaster Score

    Definitely keeping this one..its in great only fits 1.75 tires though...not a ballooned. Put a rat trap on the front, some baskets, 3 spring (to be covered) and a rear rack (going to get changed out). I will start a build thread. Paint is nice but a bit dull to a burnt orange color...
  10. C

    Knife buildoff challenge discussion

    I mess around with lots of stuff.. I've got a micro forge setup for stuff 4"-5" stuff and smaller. This is a straight razor from a couple years ago that I'm finally putting an edge on. I made it with .25" O1tool steel, a baldor bench grinder, lots of hand filling and a dremel..its not perfect by...
  11. C

    Roadmaster Score

    Wasn't looking for another bike but I saw this listing and had to call for $50. It was owned by the seller and his brother as kids. Everything is there going to go over it this weekend and figure out what to do with it...most likely it's going to get the fuel tank , wheels, and motor from my...
  12. C

    First blood...

    If you plan on motoring often consider setting the drive chain and using the tensioner on the pedal side..those kit tensioner are sketchy at 30mph
  13. C

    Womans Huffy

    I like how this looks.....I'm going to try and talk the Mrs into taking this one for next year...she needs a cruiser.
  14. C

    Womans Huffy

    Saw these forks poking out of the metal dumpster at work, took some heat and lube to free the forks up. Gave the forks a sandblast/ paint and sleeved some 5/16 rods with 3/8 copper tubing.. still deciding what to do with the frame.
  15. C

    Spaceliner frame, Blast Off!!

    Those are some cool frames...I have a womans chrome one.
  16. C

    Parts to trade for??

    Seat not included..original tires still hold air original pedals and grips included
  17. C

    Rollfast Zep

    Beautiful bike,
  18. C

    Thompson Classic black ball end grips production snag

    Did you go with throttle sets (1" & 7/8") ?