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  1. Half Link


    Sign me up for North America!! :D :D
  2. Half Link


    I have to laugh, this looks so messy but SO MUCH FUN!!!!! You are dead on, I have worked with this foam before and the more air it has the better. I like the way you are putting it on in layers as it will dry more evenly and faster than in just one big clump. What a great idea!! Easy to shape...
  3. Half Link

    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Hey Galtbachen!!! Thanks Buddy!! Dittos my friend on the checking in. I find myself doing the same now on the “built from scratch” forum looking at the “Whippet” and hey, we are both now building fiberglass fenders at the same time!! Cool stuff! :D And yes that silly foam still makes a mess...
  4. Half Link


    Nice job on the rear fender so far! You always make it look so easy! I really can’t wait to see you work your magic on the rest of the bike glass!! 8) 8)
  5. Half Link

    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Pulled out the old electric knife and showed that foam board who was the boss! :lol: :lol: It sure makes cutting quick but not that straight so I added in some extra space that I quickly cleaned up with the belt-sander and then I just used some 36 grit sand paper to start rounding the shape of...
  6. Half Link

    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Sorry, had to step out for a bit to take my little buddy to legoland for his birthday and do all of our Halloween stuff but I’m back to working on the fenders. I picked up some 2’x4’x1½” foam insulation at the lhs, glued them both together and used the pvc pipe that I bent to the shape of the...
  7. Half Link

    Tribute to our friends

    What a great job you are doing!! I can’t wait to see what you do next and I love the Converse picture!! :lol: I think that’s a RRB tradition! :shock:
  8. Half Link


    Wow!! I’m liking the direction your going with this, and to slap up another Bowden picture!! Are these not some of the coolest bikes on the planet or what? And you my friend are just the one to add to the legacy! 8) You should be making molds on this build so that when you go to production we...
  9. Half Link

    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Hey yoothgeye!! That was my first, second and third plan but I could not find the look that I wanted. Dr. Tankenstien, Counter sinking the tail lights was also a thought but they just looked to close together. If the fender idea falls flat I might jump back to that plan. Side note, Can I call...
  10. Half Link

    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Oh Boy!!! How do I even start this one? You guy’s are going to hate me!! :oops: As you all know I was wanting to call this one done a long time ago and all that I had to do was add some rear tail lights and call it done but I just can’t find the right look!! Please tell me that I’m not the only...
  11. Half Link

    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Hey SCHWINNRAY69 Thank you very much!! Ya, there has been many hours put into this build. I have to agree with you! A sidecar build is fun and functional and I would love to see more sidecars! Great Point! 8)
  12. Half Link

    It's not a bike it's a trailer!

    Jiminy Christmas!! What are you going to do next! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. Half Link

    iDood's Board Track Racer...

    Wow!!! :D :D Great job on the paint color!! That is way too cool!! 8) Please let us know how the fuel tank liner works for you after some time passes. That is something that I have never tried. Looks like some really cool stuff!! Sweet Ride Bro!!! Amazing job! 8) 8)
  14. Half Link


    I’m diggin that shape for the light!! 8) I can’t wait to see were you take the fenders! You my friend are amazing!! :D Let me guess you play the drums and build bikes all at the same time!! :lol: :shock: 8)
  15. Half Link

    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Hey foryourride. Thanks man! That’s what I’m talking about.........More Sidecars!! Galtbachen, Hey buddy!! Thanks, it was really nice to switch to something less itchy when building the tank!! Looks like I will try something using wood for the rear lights as well. :idea: Thanks nelvolks...
  16. Half Link

    The Galtbacken 18

    It’s funny how you can put so much effort into trying to fix a problem and then they just some how end up fixing themselves. My guess... It’s the bike gods adding there finishing touches on one of the most amazing bikes around!! :D
  17. Half Link

    Sitting Bull

    WOW!! Just what I expected from you........ Perfection!! 8) Sweet looking shirt too!!
  18. Half Link

    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    That’s Funny!! youthgeye that sure is a long way to travel for just 5 minutes! :shock: screw_dub Thanks Buddy!! Maybe I’ll run In to you someday! Planning on heading your way in the next year or so. :D socal_jack Thank you very much! Gdcast Thanks Man!! You know that you are welcome...
  19. Half Link

    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Thanks Gdcast, I’m not sure if you need to be scared however. :lol: Hey FOUND OBJECTS I’m really glad that you like it Thanks!! Dr. Sizzle, thank you for the kind words and yes it has gone on for a long time and I hope to wrap it up soon! :oops: Finally, no rain today so I was able to...
  20. Half Link

    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Thanks Gdcast!!! I’m glad that you are liking the way the (????) is coming along. :lol: :lol: I would love nothing more than to just meet the one and only Galtbachen in person, let alone set in his Bike Building Camp (as a student) It would be the first time that I would want to set in the...