Led-Sled Sidecar Project

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Wow...I started looking at the first page, noted the 15+ pages, and said Nah, I will not read this whole thing. Holy smokes- this is awesome and inspirational! Thanks for the awesome job.
Reconsidered on the Marriage part...just got to think how our children would look like and it wouldn´t be fair to lady Led, I´m too ugly for her... :lol: :lol: :lol:
If Legburner gets his hands on her, please don´t tell me, jealousy would brake my heart :cry:

I just had a meeting with the bike gods, and they think a water bottle lid could work all right. So you have a green light there my friend :wink: :lol:
Just one remark though, please get a nice chromed cap for it 8)
Hey foryourride. Thanks man! That’s what I’m talking about.........More Sidecars!!

Galtbachen, Hey buddy!! Thanks, it was really nice to switch to something less itchy when building the tank!! Looks like I will try something using wood for the rear lights as well. :idea:

Thanks nelvolks!! I think your both ok!

spistols and ratina, Thank you both for the very kind words! Sorry for such a long build. I know that the 15+ pages took a lot of your time so thank you for reading them. I have to say that almost 97% of everything built on this was a first time for me on this scale and I’m honored that you like it! :oops:

Thanks X-RAY!! My son wants to go to Lego Land for his birthday would that count? :shock: :lol:

Hey Gdcast!! HA!! That’s funny! :lol: :lol: Ya, Legburner agreed that it’s hands off from here on out. Thanks for chatting with the bike gods on the cap and I agree with you it should be chrome. The wife keeps wondering why I am going through all of the cabinets and eyeballing things through out the house. Shhhh....... Don’t tell her but I’ve got my eye on something and she will never know that it’s gone. :shock:

Hope to have some new pictures soon!

Thanks everyone! HL
Hey SCHWINNRAY69 Thank you very much!! Ya, there has been many hours put into this build. I have to agree with you! A sidecar build is fun and functional and I would love to see more sidecars! Great Point! 8)
Oh Boy!!! How do I even start this one? You guy’s are going to hate me!! :oops: As you all know I was wanting to call this one done a long time ago and all that I had to do was add some rear tail lights and call it done but I just can’t find the right look!! Please tell me that I’m not the only one that has had this problem!

I’m thinking that the only way that I can pull off the look that I want is by building some fiberglass fenders and incorporating the rear lights. Yep!! Starting with pvc again!! Your thoughts????

Later, HL


I love this project, start to fini....oops!

Have you though about cutting holes in the 'tub' and flush mounting some lights there?
In any case, I'm REALLY interested in DIY fenders, so build on brother!

Dr. T
Hey yoothgeye!! That was my first, second and third plan but I could not find the look that I wanted.

Dr. Tankenstien, Counter sinking the tail lights was also a thought but they just looked to close together. If the fender idea falls flat I might jump back to that plan. Side note, Can I call you Mr. Tankenstien? :shock:

Gdcast... I’m thinking that I should make the fenders flow with the size of the sidecar on this one! (Big and Fat) 8)

TommyTwoTone, Thanks Man!! You should build one! They only take a long time when I build them! :lol: :lol:

Later, HL
Sorry, had to step out for a bit to take my little buddy to legoland for his birthday and do all of our Halloween stuff but I’m back to working on the fenders. I picked up some 2’x4’x1½” foam insulation at the lhs, glued them both together and used the pvc pipe that I bent to the shape of the tire as a template to mark the foam. I’m not sure yet if I will hug the tire all of the way back or if I will flare it out a bit? Much easier to cut the foam with the flare and cut it back if I don’t like it. Well I guess we will all see together! :shock:

Later, HL


Pulled out the old electric knife and showed that foam board who was the boss! :lol: :lol: It sure makes cutting quick but not that straight so I added in some extra space that I quickly cleaned up with the belt-sander and then I just used some 36 grit sand paper to start rounding the shape of the fender by hand. Next I needed to cover the exposed foam so I used some aluminum tape that I had and cut a bunch of 8 inch long pieces and then cut them down the center to make a bunch more 2 inch x 8 inch strips so that when I laid the aluminum tape over the exposed foam it wouldn’t wrinkle with the curvature of the bend. Next step is to go over all of it with carnauba wax really good and then it is time to pull out the itchy stuff.....fiberglass!

Later, HL





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